DPCM October, text and news: what to expect


the text of the new DPCM October It contains additional rules and restrictions. The decree, initially scheduled for October 15, could be brought forward today to October 12.

After themandatory outdoor mask and the extension of the state of emergency to January 31, 2021 envisaged by the mini decree law of October 7, the Government is preparing to issue New measures to counteract the spread of Covid-19 in Italy and regulate the procedure to be followed for infection screening.

According to forecasts, the DPCM for October will put a squeeze on move, at private parties and contact sports; would be considering imposing a cap on wedding and funeral guests and reducing the maximum number of attendees at public events. A strengthening of the smart work for public and private companies to reduce contact and travel opportunities.

Excluding the possibility of a new lock national as that of spring because economically unsustainable, the line that Palazzo Chigi intends to follow will be that of selective mini-closures of some activities and establishment of red zones where there were outbreaks and boom of infections, and intensive care was filled again.

This is what to expect.

DPCM October Text: Online Draft A Hoax

According to one text eraser of the October DPCM leaked online over the weekend and was picked up by many newspapers, but that’s a hoax, Conte would have been ready to sign the following measures:

  • Meetings will not be allowed, either at home or in associative centers, to more than 10 persons other than your own family unit;
  • suspended the sport activities that involve physical contact except those that require the simultaneous presence of 6 people on the playing field;
  • you can go for a walk and jogging alone or at most in the company of the person living together, respecting the distance of at least 1 meter from other people;
  • Professional offices will only be able to access one person at a time for each room and this must be disinfected between one appointment and another;
  • companies will have to encourage it smart work;
  • me wedding They can only take place in the presence of witnesses and the celebrant, and with a maximum of 10 guests. “Failure to comply with the provision determines the nullity of the marriage itself”;
  • no more than 15 people can attend the funeral (including the dead).

This supposed draft of the decree has gone around the web, but Health Minister Speranza has already made it clear that it is false. On the other hand, the various oddities contained in the text, in particular the measures relating to weddings, funerals and contact sports, should have led to the assumption that it was a false text.

The news comes

However, what should not be doubted, except for last minute twists, is that the new decree of October establishes:

  • meeting limitations in House, with probable prohibition to celebrate private parties;
  • reduction of the quarantine from 14 to 10 days (maximum possible will be 21 days) with the positives that a single pad negative to get out of isolation;
  • simplified and accelerated swab procedure thanks to the arrival of quick swabs for close contacts, also possible in doctor’s offices;
  • clarification on the mandatory use of the outdoor mask for walkers and sports enthusiasts;
  • close of bars, pubs and restaurants at 12 pm and the sale of take away drinks will stop at 9 pm to prevent the consumption of drinks and food outside the premises from being an occasion for gathering.
  • a close to public events and shows. To date, the limit is 200 for indoor events and 1,000 for outdoor events, but the threshold could be lowered further.

New October DPCM – When it comes out

The provisional rules approved by the Council of Ministers on October 7 expire on October 15th. The text of the current decree establishes the obligation of a mask in all open and closed places, even in the home if guests are received.

The main objective of the next DPCM is, according to the Minister of Health Speranza, to avoid a new national blockade, and the latest figures registered in Italy (more than 5,000 cases in one day) are scary.

At the moment the novelty pack it is at the executive table, subjected to confrontation with the Regions. The final text could be published tonight, Monday, October 12, in the Official Gazette and enter into force as of October 15. Despite the rumors and news spread by the media, it is good to reiterate that everything is yet to be defined.
