Covid, what you need to know about the new rules for private parties, dinners and weddings


Yesterday the meeting with the Scientific Technical Committee was updated to today; In the afternoon the control room with the Regions and local authorities and, for tonight or at the latest on Tuesday morning, the decree of the Prime Minister with the new anti-contagion restrictions of Covid 19. This is the time for the government to set for the approval of the measures that should come into force on Thursday.

Among these, the restrictions on parties, dinners and ceremonies, both outdoors and indoors, both public and private. In addition to common sense and the anti-crowd rules already in force, among the hypotheses in the field there is one that revolves around the number 10: maximum limit of people to invite, as long as masks “There are essential things like school and others that do not If there is a party we run the risk of undermining the effort to make children and citizens safe, so I proposed to ban all parties, “said the Minister of Health yesterday. Roberto Speranza. We have tried to clarify what the Dpcm restrictions will be, according to the drafts circulating at this time.


Coronavirus, Esperanza: “Stop private parties.” Mask required if you are walking, but not if you are jogging or jogging

Can you have a party at home?
No, the parties will be prohibited for everyone: adults, children and adolescents. Seventy-five percent of infections, Speranza explained, occur between the closest relationships, that is, between those who know and trust others by engaging in behaviors not suitable to contain the virus: hugs, kisses, closeness, lowering of the mask.

How many people can you invite for lunch or dinner?

For home meetings (lunches, dinners, meetings) a maximum limit of 10 people can be activated. As already mentioned, a minimum distance of at least one meter must be maintained between diners and keep the mask over your mouth and nose when in the company of people who do not live together and lower it only out of necessity, such as to eat or drink.

Children want to play or study with friends and schoolmates, how many can be accommodated?
The general rules will also apply to children. In the event that children are under six years of age, the use of masks will not be mandatory for them.

If you have an open space like a terrace or a garden, how many people can you invite?
Until the end of the health emergency, the collection ban, which still applies in public and private spaces, both outdoors and indoors, must be respected. So even for lunches or dinners in the garden the same limit should be applied to the number of guests.

Playing now ….

Who will watch over the private parties?
“When there is a rule, it must be respected and Italy has shown that it knows how to do it, so I believe that the vast majority of citizens will adapt,” said Minister Speranza. At the same time, controls will be increased through collaboration with the security forces who, according to the minister, will also be able to intervene after reports from neighbors.

Can you have a party at a club?
No, private parties with numerous participants will also be prohibited in public and private places. The quota entries are maintained depending on the square meters of the places, the obligation to wear a mask except when sitting at the table, to sanitize hands and keep distance. There is also a ban on dancing in any public place, from discos to dance halls, beaches and squares, also recommended in private homes. The opening hours of the premises will be reduced: the hypothesis is a curfew at midnight. Tables will also be prohibited, imposing a maximum limit of seats around the same table.

Can you have a party on the street?
No. On the street, anti-crowd rules apply. In nightlife areas or more crowded areas, the sale of take away drinks should stop at 9 or 10 pm to avoid consuming food or alcohol all together standing outside the premises.



Young people from the confinement: “Goodbye, 18-year-old party, but there’s a crowd on the buses”

How many people can be invited to the wedding?
The parties for ceremonies, such as baptisms, communions, weddings, can be held with a maximum number of 30 people. The same will apply to funeral greetings. People may only remove the mask when seated at the table. For attendance at religious ceremonies, the “rule of 30” will not apply, but the protocols already in force that establish a limit of 200 participants, with some exceptions to 350, will apply. Free buffets are prohibited and spouses, witnesses, bridesmaids, and guests can remove their masks only when seated at their table.
