Rome, October 12, 2020 – The bulletin with the figures in the Coronavirus in Italy October 12 arrives in the afternoon, as usual. Figures on the increase in total cases, currently positive, dead and cured, will be released. Maximum attention in particular with regard to the data of hospitalizations me intensive therapy. Meanwhile, last rush for the new Dpcm in October. And the Scientific Technical Committee provides the first indications on the new anti Covid standard (shorter quarantine, more precautions and more controls). In general, the objective is to avoid confinement or measures that cause excessive economic damage, while protecting health. The Minister of Health Roberto Speranza reiterates the limits for the Regions: “They may impose more restrictive rules, not the other way around.” On the research front, a study by the Australian National Scientific Agency claims that Coronavirus can survive on objects such as bills or mobile phones for up to 28 days. Researchers from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research (Csiro) tested the longevity of the virus in the dark and at three different temperatures, showing that the survival period decreases at higher temperatures.
Coronavirus, 10-day quarantine. Altolà Inps: isolation is not a disease
Today’s newsletter
Today 4,619 new cases (with 85 thousand swabs) and 39 deaths.
The October 11 newsletter
Local News / Tuscany
In Tuscany they are 466 more total cases than yesterday (335 identified in the course of tracking and 131 from detection activities). The average age of new cases is about 43 years. Those cured grew 0.9% and reached 10,942 (58.7% of all cases). The swabs made are 8,958.
Increase the number of new positives in Lazio. “About 14 thousand tampons are registered today 395 almost”Announces the regional health advisor, Alessio D’Amato. Yesterday the new cases were 371 of the more than 13 thousand swabs made. Eight deaths and 197 the healed.
Veneto Records 328 new cases of positivity in the last 24 hours and one more victim. the trend of strong recovery from infections, at a similar rate in March-April. The total number of infected amounts to 31,831, the number of deaths (between hospitals and residences) reaches 2,219 (+1). The number of isolated subjects decreased compared to yesterday, 11,019 (-392), of which 3,369 were positive. On the other hand, admissions to normal hospital wards, 339 (+8), and intensive care wards, 37 (+5), resume growth.
Record of swabs performed in a single day in Umbria, 4,509, 233,252 since the beginning of the pandemic. They led to determine 148 new positives, 3,472 in total, according to the Region’s website. Sign up too two other deaths, 90 in total. The number of hospitalized patients, nine (stable) in intensive care, rose again from 67 to 70. Another 12 certificates cured, 2,007 in total, and the positives currently grew from 1,241 to 1,375.
In Puglia, with 2,433 tests, 136 positive cases: 114 in the province of Bari, 24 in the province of BAT, 4 in the province of Foggia, 4 in the province of Lecce, 7 in the province of Taranto, (17 cases residing outside the region have been reclassified and reassigned ). Have been registered 6 dead.
In the latest update of the Sardinia Crisis Unit they are recorded 129 new cases105 detected through screening activities and 24 due to suspected diagnosis. It also records a 78 year old victim resident in southern Sardinia. Buffers grow by 1,578 tests since the last update. In contrast, 157 patients are currently hospitalized in hospital in non-intensive rooms (+17 compared to yesterday’s figure), while 23 (+1) patients are in intensive care.
am 117 new cases verified in the last hours in Abruzzo. This is one of the highest figures in the region: to see similar figures, we must go back to the end of March. Of the new cases, 48 refer to the province of Teramo, 37 to that of L’Aquila (of which 17 refer only to the capital), 22 to the area of Pescara and 10 to that of Chietino. A death is recorded.
am 37 new cases of positivity in Market on the last day in 469 swabs in the new diagnostic route. In total, reports the Marche Region Health Service, 837 swabs were analyzed, including 368 from the healed pathway. Most of the new infections occurred in the province of Ancona (21); followed by those of Fermo (7), Macerata (5), Ascoli Piceno (2) and Pesaro Urbino (2). The new cases include 11 symptomatic subjects.
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