risk being arrested and sentenced to 18 months


Despite being positive for the coronavirus, they had gone to work at the restaurant. On the night of October 10, 2020, the carabinieri of the Compagnia Milano Porta Monforte and the Nucleo Radiomobile of Milan, as part of the services intended to verify compliance with the anti-contagion regulations, carried out a control in the restaurant, a Ethnic restaurant in the Turro area. , where the presence of two covid-positive people was reported.

The bombing of the carabinieri in the restaurant

The military, after collecting the testimonies of those present and seeing the images recorded by the video surveillance system, found that both the owner and one of his employees, both 36 and 20-year-old Peruvian citizens, had indeed left and were detained in him inside the room, and then walk away shortly before the intervention of the patrols, in fact violating the fiduciary home isolation provision issued against him by the Ats after a confirmed positive covid-19.

They risk being detained for 3 and 18 months and a fine of up to 5,000 euros

The two were denounced at liberty for the crime of “breach of a legal order to prevent the spread of an infectious human disease”, sanctioned by the Consolidated Health Laws with an arrest of 3 to 18 months and with a fine of 500 to 5,000 euros.

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Clients and colleagues in isolation

At the same time, the company was subjected to a preventive confiscation in order to carry out more sanitary and hygienic controls and in terms of labor protection by Nas and Nil. Customers and other restaurant employees were invited to return home to await information from the Ats for the necessary health checks.
