
Displaced out of time, with fluctuating feelings of bewilderment, anger and dissatisfaction, created by law 107/15, they are the so-called empowerment teachers, although this expression is no longer correct, since there are no “empowerment teachers” but strengthening of autonomy within staff.
We remind you that article 1 subsection 5 of Law 107/15 says the following:
“In order to fully implement the process of achieving autonomy and reorganization of the entire educational system, it is established for the entire educational institution, or comprehensive institution, and for all directions of upper secondary schools belonging to the same school institution the autonomy staff, functional to the educational, organizational and planning needs of the school institutions as they emerge from the three-year plan of the training offer prepared in accordance with paragraph 14. The teachers of the autonomy staff contribute to the implementation of the plan Training offer of three years with activities of teaching, strengthening, support, organization, planning and coordination ”.
The figure of the empowerment teacher was born with the aim of enriching the training offer. Very often, however, in school practice it happens that the empowerment teacher ends up being used inappropriately, a use that differs widely from the leitmotif that originated it.
Clarifications on the position of teachers with an empowering role
Since there have been no changes, the indications given by Miur in note 2852 of September 5, 2016, which focuses on the following points, remain unchanged:
- there is no contractual distinction between curricular teachers and empowerment teachers;
- In a scenario of “flexibility”, decided in full compliance with the powers of the Collegiate Bodies, the teachers identified in the reinforcement position can carry out teaching activities and the teachers during curricular hours can face activities to “enrich the training offer”;
- substitutions for short absences must be “covered” according to an appropriate modular structure that involves all autonomy personnel, in order to ensure the continuity of activities carried out in the context of strengthening;
Designate substitutes to replace teachers
The recourse to the appointment of substitutes in the positions of the faculty for brief alternatives can only be allowed in relation to the hours of curricular lessons; To reiterate it is also OM.60 / 2020 article 13 paragraph 15: “The promotion positions introduced by article 1, paragraph 95, of Law 107/2015 cannot be, in accordance with the aforementioned paragraph, filled with staff The temporary substitutes referred to in article 2, section 4, letter c), of this ordinance, with the exception of the curricular teaching hours eventually assigned to the teacher within the contractually foreseen service hours, in compliance with article 28, section 1 of CCNL 2016/18 of the education and research sector signed on April 19, 2018 “.
Among the “opportunities to take advantage of and the experiences to be carried out” are indicated the possible activities in line with the priority objectives referred to in article 1 subsection 7 of Law 107, without prejudice to those “for which specific chapters of funding (such as alternative activities to the teaching of the Catholic religion).
It is illegal to use teachers in the upgrade position exclusively for replacements.
Many teachers complain about their use exclusively as “provisions”, so the following clarifications should be made:
the assignment of the teacher used in the empowerment should be anticipated in the PTOF and therefore arranged at the beginning of the school year. Therefore, the PTOF must define the strengthening and organization activities, as well as the use of the autonomy staff teachers with the relative hours assigned to them. Only non-scheduled hours in the PTOF of elementary and middle school teachers can be used as substitutes for up to ten days.
The autonomy staff and training hours: Law 107/2015 establishes that the improved staff positions will be used for the purposes indicated in section 7, that is, the project activities to achieve the priority training objectives, but then There is also section 85 of the same law in which it is specified that the school director can substitute absent teachers to cover temporary substitutes for up to ten days with autonomous personnel who, when employed in lower education grades, Retain the treatment salary of the degree of education to which they belong.
Note Miur 16041 of March 29, 2018 indicates that in the context of strengthening the training offer, no substitutions are foreseen, except in the strictly necessary schedule and only in the case of absences of more than ten days, for situations of division of classes . or the individual courses and curricular activities provided for in the Triennial Plan of Educational Offering, including those for expanding the educational offer to primary school.
The 2016/2018 school CCNL, in article 28, section 3, specifies that the empowerment teacher deals mainly with the activities of education, guidance, training, school inclusion, right to study, coordination, research and planning provided for in the plan triennial. of the training offer, in accordance with article 1, section 7, of Law 107/2015.
Empowerment Masters: Even Envied
In recent years, although it may seem a paradox, some teachers tell us that the negative aura that affected the improvement teacher has been replaced in some cases by the desire to obtain hours of strengthening, to the point of becoming the same. , highly coveted.
The reason for this must be identified in the reduction of service hours in the classes for which the didactic responsibility is had in favor of a placement available for substitutes, where the strengthening project is not implemented.
Likewise, the replacement time to dedicate to classes where the colleague is temporarily absent is not considered a degradation of their own professionalism, but a fair compromise between the considerable effort that each teacher requires for the performance of their work and the possibility of being able to have a different experience.
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