yes if you are walking, no if you are jogging


It is the Ministry of the Interior itself that provides the clarification: for “motor activity”, that for which the decree published in the Official Gazette does not provide for the exemption, it only means “mere walk”. Meanwhile, the half marathon was run in Pisa.

Jogging with the obligation to wear a mask? Yes, maybe, then in the end, after two hours of real police history about the interpretation of a circular from the Ministry of the Interior, no. It is the Ministry of the Interior itself who provides the clarification that clears the table of any doubt: for “motor activity”, one for which the decree published in the Official Gazette does not provide an exemption, it only means “mere walk”, while running, even amateur, is part of sports activity and therefore can be practiced without the protection device.

WHAT ABOUT SCHOOL? – Jogging, it must be said, is a breath of fresh air. Even if the problem is not completely resolved. The division between “motor” and “sport” has no definite limits. Think for a moment about school, where one of the didactic subjects is precisely motor educationHowever, in great suffering given the many problems for the use of gyms. So far the teachers have organized the activities respecting the distance but without inviting the children to wear a mask. What will happen now? Perhaps it would be necessary to decode all aspects of this division between the two words.

IN APRIL – Already in the confinement there was a lot of discussion about that odious runner / fat equation that had also led to some really absurd episode with runners being insulted in the street. The running activity, however, did not stop, not even in the days of “all still” of the second half of April (when the sports facilities for the best activities were also closed). They were the days of the famous distance maximum 200 meters from home to make your journey.

PRINTED IN PISA – But today was a special Sunday for another event beyond the mask yes mask no dilemma. The half marathon was run in Pisa from the city with the spectacular arrival of Piazza dei Miracoli. With strict rules – fever measurement, division into eight waves by a maximum of 250 runners each and with an interval of 20 minutes between one and another, respecting the minimum distance of one and a half meters – the organizers have achieved a kind of mission Impossible. In the end there were no problems. A result that gives hope to all.
