quarantine is reduced to 10 days and only one buffer comes out. Molecular and antigenic tests for general practitioner and pediatrician contacts


The quarantine is reduced to 10 days, and the positives have to do a single swab to ‘get out of the isolation, while the green light arrives for the rapid tests for close contacts. The masks should also be used for outdoor motor activity, therefore for walking, but not for jogging and jogging, which are part of sports activities. And the use of smart work in Public Administration is increasing: from the current 50% it could reach 60-70%.

Covid Italia, Cts and the Government towards the green light for rapid swabbing in schools

Dpcm, the decree of the president of the Council of Ministers

The government is fine-tuning the measures that will flow in the new Dpcm, confirming the line reiterated in recent days by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte: there will not be a new national blockade but a series of “selective and progressive” interventions to stop the growth of the infections The package that had to be approved before October 15, the date on which the current decree in force expires, ended up at the table of the Scientific Technical Committee in an urgent meeting called by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza precisely to meet with scientists and experts and to better define interventions.

Tamponi, the reinforcement established by the Cts

Starting with how to strengthen the testing system since for days there have been difficulties to make swabs in many cities. Therefore, it was decided to lower the quarantine period from two weeks to 10 days and the positive ones, to get out of isolation, will no longer need the double negative buffer but one will be enough. It will be a circular from the General Director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Giovanni Rezza, to clarify the procedures. The CTS has identified 4 different types of situations: asymptomatic positives, symptomatic positives, asymptomatic positives who are unable to refuse, and close contacts.

Smart working at 70%, the new measures designed by the government for public employees

The first must observe 10 days of quarantine, from the diagnosis of positivity, and then undergo a molecular swab; even symptomatic patients will have to do 10 days of isolation, but before undergoing the single molecular swab provided they have spent at least 3 days without symptoms. For close contacts, after 10 days of quarantine, it will be possible to carry out the rapid test by general practitioners. The emergency commissioner, Domenico Arcuri, also confirmed it: in a week, maximum ten days, 5 million antigenic tests will be available, “of which a certain number will be available to general practitioners” for this type of diagnosis.

The last category are the positives who fail to make themselves negative. For them, too, ten days of quarantine and molecular buffer, but the isolation will end in any case after 21 days. However, there are still several issues on the government table, as evidenced by the refusal of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, to a document that has circulated and that contains a series of “proposals for new urgent measures to contain the infection throughout the country”. “It is a forgery,” says Speranza, but other ministers confirm it, speaking of a “working draft” that will only be partially incorporated into the Dpcm. In the document, however, there are a series of interventions already announced in recent days by various government sources, which were also discussed during the meeting and which will be illustrated by the Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia to the regions: from those to stop nightlife – the closing of bars, pubs and restaurants at midnight and the stop for the sale of take-out drinks at 21 to prevent food being consumed outside the enclosure – until the stop at mass events and amateur contact sports such as football even to the expansion of smart work, to reduce not only contact opportunities but also travel. The initial idea was to bring it to 70% of the current 50% after the return of officials to headquarters in September, but according to some government sources the latest hypothesis is to attest to 60%. On the other hand, there is still no possible additional limitation on public participation in sporting events, starting with stadiums and arenas, and shows open to the public in theaters, cinemas and concert halls. The current law allows the presence of a thousand people abroad and 200 inside, and the idea was to reduce these figures by half. Instead, the question of masks was at the center of a circular from Viminale Chief of Staff Bruno Frattasi. In fact, the ministry has specified that they are exempt from the obligation of outdoor use “only those who have sports activity in progress and not the motor, not exempted, however, from the obligation in question.” A clarification that unleashed a series of questions throughout the day about what was understood by motor activity, until the Ministry of the Interior also clarified: “You can continue jogging without the obligation to wear a mask”, even carried out at level amateur. because they are “related to sports activity.” Instead, the obligation kicks in for those who go out for a walk.


Last updated: 22:36

