COVID-19 in Italy. Down to 10 days from 14 a.m. quarantine me for positives just a buffer in the output. This is what emerges, as Ansa learns, from the encounter of Cts (Scientific Technical Committee) today. This is the first news to emerge: a single negative swab will be enough to be considered cured of the virus. Fiduciary isolation will be reduced from 14 to 10 days. The new Dpcm will take effect on October 15.
Molecular and antigenic buffers may be authorized forcontacts‘. This is the other aspect of health discussed during today’s CTS meeting. Also according to what Ansa found out, these swabs could be done by family doctors and pediatricians whenever possible.
During the meeting this afternoon, the experts of the technical-scientific Committee and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza evaluated the situation and the possibility of adopting new measures in the next Dpcm to stop the increase in infections by Covid-19 in recent days. . During the meeting, the lines that should appear in the next Dpcm to counteract the resurgence of infections were also illustrated and that will be compared with the regions.
Those who perform physical activity outdoors should wear a mask. The Interior Ministry writes in a circular with some clarifications about the decree approved on October 7. In the drafts circulated in recent days it was written that the obligation to wear the mask was exempted from “those who are doing sports or motor activities”, but in the text published in the Gazzetta the exemption was only for those who practice sports.
There is no hypothesis of restrictive measures for schools. The Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, writes it clearly on social networks, stressing that “the Government has not discussed it at all.” Government that considers the opening of schools, at this stage, a priority: several ministers have reiterated it on several occasions, including Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, according to which: “Italy restarts only if it restarts the school.” So there are no restrictions in sight. For Azzolina “the opposite would be strange”, given that the data “confirm that schools are much safer places than others” and this is because “there are rules, even very strict, that students and staff are respecting with a great sense of responsibility. ” The problem, according to the minister, is, if anything, elsewhere: “in all those activities, including recreational ones” that children do outdoors after school. On this Azzolina believes that “we must make a serious reflection” since “recent episodes show us that – she says – they are usually the origin of outbreaks that force forty dozen young people and adults.” Of different opinions is the mayor of Piano di Sorrento (Naples), Vincenzo Iaccarino, who in the face of contagion cases proposes the stoppage of schools of all levels per month. Iaccarino, in addition to being an administrator, is a doctor who invited his fellow citizens through Facebook “to a reflection free of prejudices.”
Last Updated: Sunday, October 11, 2020, 8:33 PM