The new Dpcm could be launched tomorrow, Monday, October 12. What will the Advertisements presented by Prime Minister Conte? To have the absolute official status we will have to wait a few more hours, but in the meantime the first rumors have already begun to appear about it. The government and experts said they were quite concerned about the constant increase in infections, accompanied however by the increase in swabs carried out, and so they want to immediately run for cover to avoid confinement. Obligation to wear a mask and prohibition of meetings anywhere: the action of the Giallorossi moves on these two levels, which are now even considering the possibility of limiting meetings inside the houses. Again it will be forbidden to be seen in House? For now there are still no certainties, but it cannot be ruled out that this decision can also be made to contain the spread of the Coronavirus.
The Prime Minister would be willing to promote a series of squeezes to avoid the “inside of everyone”: there is talk of the closing of bars and restaurants at midnight, a ban on standing in front of the premises from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and stopping at football and everything. contact sports at the amateur level. Meanwhile, today an emergency meeting with the Technical-Scientific Committee has been called: it will be an opportunity to follow the evolution of infections, monitor the situation of intensive care and reflect on some news. limitations in the event of a possible further increase in positivity. The bans could also cover gatherings in homes.
Close meetings at home?
“Even in the family we must be careful. If we host friends and family, we are careful and we keep our distance. These are the situations in which the infection spreads the most“, the lawyer had recommended on the occasion of the announcement on the mandatory nature of masks. Protective devices should be used everywhere, with rare exceptions. But are we sure that we can still meet? prohibition of everything parties private and this could also apply to meetings organized in homes. The measure aims to avoid contacts between people who do not live together. On the other hand, a maximum of 30 people were able to attend the banquets after baptisms, communions, confirmations and weddings. A real squeeze of private parties and gatherings, which would be the main source of new Covid-19 infections. Meanwhile, on the web there are those who are beginning to worry. “It’s not like the nightmare ofself certification and the term ‘united’?“users ask.
The hypothesis of a ban has not yet been completely ruled out change between the Regions and a reduction in the number of classroom hours at the school. Fiduciary isolation in case of suspected contagion could be reduced from 14 to 10 days; At the same time, Walter Ricciardi, a member of the executive committee of the World Health Organization, recommended reducing the control swabs from two to one. GPs and pediatricians could be given the opportunity to run rapid tests (with a validity of 95%) and then sample only the positives. A combination of measures to lighten health facilities and halt the return to the acute phase of the pandemic and a new closure.