384 new positives, of which 171 asymptomatic by regional screening – Emilia-Romagna Region


Virus, diseaseSince the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, in Emilia romagna They registered 37,681 almost of positivity, 384 more than yesterday, of which 171 asymptomatic identified in the context of contact tracing activities me regional projection.

Of the 384 new cases, 137 were already in isolation at the time of the swab execution, 162 were identified under known outbreaks.

There are 13 new infections connected to you come from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from non-Schengen countries and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia, Malta and regions of France. 8 on the other hand, the positive cases of return from other regions.

Average age of the new positives today is 43.8 years.

Sui 171 asymptomatic108 were identified thanks to the contact tracing activity, 25 through the tests by risk categories introduced by the Region, 5 with the pre-hospital tests. In 33 cases, the reason for the swab is being verified.

Regarding the situation in the provinces, the highest figures are registered at Bologna (73), Modena (54), Rimini (47), Piacenza (47), Reggio emilia (37), a Forlì (35), Parma (31), Ferrara (28), a Cesena (16), Imola (8) and Ravenna (8).

In the province of Bologna there are 73 new cases: 39 symptomatic, of which 18 considered sporadic and 21 due to outbreaks (family, in social-health structures and by frequency in public places); 1 box is imported from abroad (Austria) and 3 from the Italian regions (Apulia, Sicily and Veneto). Of the 34 asymptomatic, 2 are sporadic and 32 are related to outbreaks (family, friends and frequency of public places). 2 cases are imported from Italian regions (Puglia and Tuscany)

In the province of Modena, of 54 new positives, of which 23 asymptomatic, 24 are contacts of already known outbreaks, 7 guests from Cra, 7 referred to company and school screening, 16 are sporadic cases on which the origin of the infection is being investigated.

A Rimini and province 47 new cases, of which 36 with symptoms, more than half already in isolation at the time of the swab. In detail, 8 patients tested positive after swab performed for symptoms (of which 1 after returning from Tuscany and 1 from Lombardy), 2 tested positive after returning from abroad (Romania), 34 tested positive from close contact with known cases (family, friends and work), 2 had a positive smear prior to admission for other pathologies, 1 was detected with professional screening tests.

About Piacenza and province, of 47 new positives, 22 are symptomatic. In detail, 14 were identified by contact tracing, 3 positive results after swabbing performed at the request of the family doctor due to symptoms, 12 are sporadic cases, 2 from screening in a Cra, 2 were detected with professional screening tests, 2 were It deals with cases of return from abroad (Albania and Romania), 7 were positive after screening in hospital wards and 5 always after screening tests in the emergency room.

In Reggiano of 37 new positive cases, 14 are attributable to family outbreaks, 15 classified as sporadic, 4 imported from abroad (Morocco and Ukraine), 1 from another region (Campania), 1 from a school outbreak, 2 from friends’ outbreaks. All cases are in home isolation.

A Forlì am 35 the new cases, of which 26 symptomatic. In detail, 19 cases tested positive after the smear performed at the request of the GP for symptoms, 1 tested positive after returning from abroad (France), 16 tested positive through close contact with certain cases (family and friends).

A Parma and the province are 31 the new positives. In detail, 15 patients are identified by contact tracing, 7 are symptomatic patients detected as sporadic, 1 result from serological screening, 7 from school screening, 1 from sports screening test, 1 detected by pre-admission screening.

In the province of Ferraraof 28 positives, 19 are asymptomatic. In detail, 8 are guests of a Cra residence, 2 are individual cases under investigation, 16 were positive for contact with certain cases (family and friends), 1 was positive after returning from abroad (Moldova), 1 after the swab performed at the request of the family doctor for symptoms.

Of the 16 new positives identified Cesena9 are asymptomatic, 7 in home isolation at the time of diagnosis. In detail: 11 were positive on contact with certain cases (family and friends), 3 were detected as symptomatic patients (of which 1 is a return from a trip to the Netherlands already in isolation at the time of diagnosis), 2 were detected with tests put on screen.

me made swabs yesterday they were 8,660, for a total of 1,290,991. To these are added 2,080 serological tests.

me active casesIn other words, the number of real patients to date is 6,349 (373 more than those registered yesterday).

Unfortunately, there is a new death. in the province of Parma. Therefore, the total number rises to 4,495.

People in isolate the house, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are asymptomatic, are a total of 6,072 (+353 compared to yesterday), about 95% of active cases. am 2. 3 patients in intensive care (+7 compared to yesterday) me 254 (+13) those hospitalized in other Covid departments.

People as a whole heal rise to 26,837 (+10 compared to yesterday): 7 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 26,830 those declared completely cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 5,365 a Piacenza (+47, of which 20 symptomatic), 4,512 years Parma (+31, of which 9 symptomatic), 6,062 years Reggio emilia (+37, of which 30 symptomatic), 5,245 years Modena (+54, of which 31 symptomatic), 6,756 years Bologna (+73, of which 44 symptomatic); 614 cases in Imola (+8, of which 3 symptomatic), 1,581 years Ferrara (+28, of which 9 symptomatic); 1,909 to Ravenna (+8, of which 4 symptomatic), 1,571 to Forlì (+35, of which 22 symptomatic), 1,231 to Cesena (+16 of which 7 symptomatic) and 2,835 years Rimini (+47, of which 34 symptomatic).
