Your child’s birthday is always a very important event. No mother would stop celebrating. Not even in times of coronavirus and not even now with the closing of the holidays dictated by the second wave of the pandemic. So did a woman from Ladispoli, on the north coast of Rome: her mother’s love put her before all else. Also to the defense against the virus. Despite having a high fever and continuous cough, among the most obvious and known symptoms of Covid-19, she has organized two parties for her 8-year-old son.
Two parties at risk from Covid
Both with 30 participants each so as not to create gatherings, but without considering in any way the risk to which they subjected their guests. Risk that he had perceived when removing the swab. Immediately after the celebrations. Not before. It was she who told the doctors during the test: “I had a fever and a cough but I still invited friends and family for my baby’s birthday,” she revealed to the doctors.
Do not quarantine welcome
Result: 60 people in fiduciary isolation. A process, that since the beginning of the quarantine, that some guests did not like at all. Finishing up by strongly attacking the Asl Rm 4 operators who had been immediately activated with contact tracing to prevent further spread of the infection. There were no shortage of insults and offenses that make the operators affected by the accusations made against them for “deprivation of personal liberty” cry. Other participants in the small parties, which were not really necessary given the location, have instead attacked the seized homeowner who has endangered the health of dozens of people for not wanting to give up their motherly love. Without limits and without limitations (timely).
The Mayor’s Appeal
“I renew to all the invitation to be more responsible – repeated Alessandro Grando, mayor of the town of Lazio who in a few days counted 40 positives – and to download the Immuni application, which allows you to track contacts and be informed if you come into contact with people that have given positive in the test. As a municipal administration we will intensify the controls, in particular on the fulfillment of the obligation to wear a mask but, as already mentioned in the past, to overcome this moment we need the collaboration of the entire city “.