
A mother with a cough and some fever lines, symptoms of the coronavirus, organized two birthday parties for her eight-year-old son in Ladispoli, on the coast of the province of Rome. Thirty people attended each event. To report the news Il Messaggero. The woman had undergone a swab and, within days, received the results, which confirmed the infection. Upon hearing the news, the Asl Rome 4 activated the planned health protocol, the staff reconstructed the woman’s contacts, drawing up a list of people to call by phone, to advise them to place themselves in home isolation. So sixty people, between children and adults are quarantined and will be tested for the virus as usual. The woman, despite having a cough and some fever lines, symptoms of the coronavirus, decided to receive the guests anyway because “the parties were already organized.” The swab result came the next day. Yesterday at ASL Roma 4 they signed up 34 contagion, of which seven in Ladispoli, while they are Four. Five Actually me positive, a city that, together with Civitavecchia (43), currently has the highest number of cases.
Ippolito (Spallanzani): “Decisive behavior”
“The domino effect is just around the corner: just use a few less caution and the stain will widen,” he said. Giuseppe Ippolito, scientific director of the Spallanzani Institute in Rome and member of the technical-scientific committee, in an interview with the newspaper La Stampa. Regarding the occupation of the beds for Covid, “the level is increasing but is still controlled: in recent months many interventions have been carried out to increase its capacity,” explained Ippolito. On the hypothesis that the virus has lost strength, that the viral load of the coronavirus has decreased, Professor de Spallanzani explained that “there is no scientific evidence that the virus has lost strength or has significantly mutated. We arrived at intensive care are such and those we saw in March ”.
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