The Ministry of Health updates the Faqs regarding anti-contagion measures. In the section Covid-19 – How to protect yourself, the ministry provides further indications on the use of masks in light of the decree law of October 7, 2020. For the school, the already known provisions remain valid: a note from the Ministry of Education to clarify this.
Using the mask: frequently asked questions
When should I wear the mask? What has changed since October 7?
The Council of Ministers in the session of October 7 approved, at the proposal of President Giuseppe Conte and Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, the Decree Law Urgent Measures related to the extension of the declaration of the epidemiological state of emergency of Covid-19 and of operational continuity of the Covid alert system, as well as for the implementation of Directive (EU) 2020/739 of June 3, 2020, which introduces the obligation to always carry the masks with you. These should be used, not only in closed places accessible to the public, as in the past, but more generally in indoor places other than private homes and also in all outdoor places.
The exceptions – clarifies the Faq of the Ministry of Health – are the cases in which, due to the characteristics of the place or the factual circumstances, the condition of isolation of people who do not live together is continuously guaranteed. Without prejudice to the anti-contagion protocols and guidelines provided for economic, productive, administrative and social activities. In the workplace, therefore, the current safety regulations continue to apply. Also subject to the guidelines for the consumption of food and beverages.
Who is excluded from the obligation
They are excluded from the obligation to wear the mask i children under the age of six, people with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask and who, when interacting with the latter, find themselves in the same incompatibility. In addition, the use of the mask will not be mandatory during the sports activity.
What masks to wear
In the community, disposable masks or washable masks, even of our own production, can be used in suitable multilayer materials to provide an adequate barrier and, at the same time, guarantee comfort and breathability, adequate shape and adherence, which allow covering from the chin until the hip. above the nose.
It is not helpful to use multiple overlapping surgical masks. The rational use of surgical masks is important to avoid unnecessary waste of precious resources.
What is the difference between so-called community masks and surgical masks?
the surgical masks They are medical masks, developed for use in a healthcare environment and certified according to their filtering capacity. They meet the characteristics required by the UNI EN ISO 14683-2019 standard and work by preventing transmission.
the community masks They are intended to reduce the circulation of the virus in daily life and are not subject to particular certifications. They should not be considered medical devices or personal protective equipment, but a useful hygienic measure to reduce the spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus.
Is it possible to wash the community masks?
Community masks can be washed if they are made of materials that will resist washing at 60 degrees.
Masks from commercial communities are disposable or washable if there are indications on the packaging that can also include the number of washes allowed without this diminishing their performance.
What are the characteristics that community masks should have?
Masks must:
- ensure adequate barrier for the nose and mouth
- be made of multilayer materials that must not be toxic, allergenic or flammable and do not hinder breathing
- They must adhere to the facial covering from the chin to the nose guaranteeing comfort.
What changes for the school
With the new decree of October 7, nothing changes for the school since, regarding the use of masks, the already known provisions remain in force. This is confirmed by the note of the Ministry of Education 1813 of October 8. The note confirms the provisions issued with the “Security Protocol 0-6”, the “Memorandum of understanding to guarantee the start of the school year” and the decree of the Minister of Education June 26, 2020, n. 39 containing “Approval of the Document for the planning of school, educational and training activities in all institutions of the National Educational System for the 2020/2021 school year”.
The aforementioned note confirms the provisions of the Cts indicated in the minutes of August 31:
- In primary school, to facilitate learning and relational development, the mask can be removed under static conditions (ie children sitting at the desk) respecting the distance of at least one meter (nd, the so-called “mouth rhyme”, That is, a distance of one meter between mouth and mouth) and the absence of situations that allow the possibility of aerosolization (for example, singing).
- In secondary school, even considering a transmissibility similar to that of adults, the mask can be removed in static conditions with respect to a distance of at least one meter (nd oral rhymes, ut supra), the absence of situations that foresee the possibility of aerosolization (eg singing) and in an epidemiological situation of low viral circulation as defined by the health authority.
New Dpcm
The new Dpcm is coming, which should provide a tighter setting especially for the private sector. For the school there should be no changes, unless there are changes in the way of working remotely for Ata staff. For the moment, the government has ruled out the possibility of closing schools: even with new restrictions, it would aim to safeguard the opening of schools.