The babel of rules and the intricate skein of limitations at school when a positive child appears or a student simply stays home with a fever, is having two dangerous effects: families live in uncertainty, sentenced to quarantines, to chase tampons . not getting or running drives even after 10 hours of waiting; The swab system, very important these days to intercept positives as quickly as possible, is going haywire, overwhelmed by the number of requests triggered by schools reopening.
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The Scientific Technical Committee will also speak about this today in the extraordinary meeting with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. The hypothesis is to implement a method that has already started in Lazio: ask free choice general practitioners and pediatricians to perform rapid antigenic tests in their studies. The pressure from the CTS scientists aims not to lower their guard on the front of the molecular swabs, to duplicate the positions of the disk itself, but also to provide more agile tools to schools. Nowadays no pediatrician will take responsibility, if a child has to go back to school after a slight fever, to sign a certificate without the result of the molecular swab. “There is criminal liability – says Dr. Pierluigi Bartoletti, Undersecretary of General Practitioners – because the doctor must certify the absence of infectious and diffusive diseases. But how do you do without a test? That said, in the first place there must be compliance with the prevention rules by all citizens, therefore, masks and distances, the concept of “close contact” must also be specified and defined. You can’t close an entire class and ask all tampons if you find something positive. But the same is true of everyday life, the concept of “close contact” is over inflated. We need to be able to swab those who really have a reason.
Between quarantines and waiting for tampons, families are prisoners at home, and the situation will go from bad to worse, because sick leave is frequent during the school year, but if every time you need a tampon to return, you do not go out. Today the CTS will ask Speranza to accelerate the approval of the regulations in support of rapid antigenic swabs, with sampling from the nose or even salivary, recognizing them as valid for back to school. In Liguria, the regional councilor Ferruccio Sansa recounted his discouraging experience: a 15-year-old son with a fever and positive for Covid, without follow-up, without an ASL report to Immuni, “the test was negative but I have had a fever for days. I no longer smell, I breathe badly and I have broken bones. My wife has had a fever for days, lying in bed exhausted. The sense of smell cleared up. Do you have Covid? The symptoms are there, but after four days you are still waiting for the swab result. Of the two young children, one was negative, the other who knows. Nothing else is known about the tampon. ‘ There is another problem: each Region is evident, even each ASL has its own directives to impose on the schools that must then implement them. And so, like a domino effect, a rule discrepancy is created that causes institutions and families to plummet. “In Italy, the school system is national – underlines Antonello Giannelli, president of the National Association of Directors – we have always considered it that way. But now, in an emergency, we are forced to follow the guidelines of the health system that has a regional orientation. We have a huge variety of indications that should be standardized so that they are all the same from Bolzano to Agrigento.
What does it mean, in practice, to deal with a rule discrepancy? A student who coughs sometimes leaves the classroom. Sometimes, but not always. At that time, to return to the classroom, you must be seen by a doctor. In theory, without doubts about a possible Covid infection, you can go back to class without problems. But you can also be asked for a medical certificate that comes only after the swab result. Often but not always. It is the pediatrician who decides or, sometimes, the schools ask for it.
What is the rule? Theoretically, even a cold can be a symptom of Covid – explains Antonio Palma, secretary of the Cipe del Lazio, the Italian Confederation of Pediatricians – so we cannot rule out any hypothesis. Many tampons are prescribed for this reason, a solution to the problem may come from rapid tests. But for pediatricians everything would be easier if we clarify the rules: there are Regions, such as Emilia-Romagna, where it is expressly established that only in the presence of fever is it necessary to take a swab. With cough is not expected. So we move with more serenity ». But the doubts also refer to the certificates: what does it mean to say that the certificate is used for sick leave of more than 5 days? «If the student is absent for 5 days, in theory – Palma continues – he will return without problems. The certificate is necessary if the student has been absent for six days but it is not: it is requested promptly from the fifth day of absence.
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At the first cough, the class trembles. The fear of contagion now goes hand in hand with ending up in quarantine. Because for every isolated class, there are 20-25 children who are left without teaching and there are many other classes who are left without teachers.
Last updated: 07:29