Tensions over the ongoing demonstration in Rome, in Piazza San Giovanni, where A protester who was not wearing a mask was detained by the police.. “Shame,” some protesters shout while others approach the police force shouting, “you have to arrest us all.” A group of protesters shouted “freedom, freedom.” “All for a mask – some explained – just because he refused to give the name they took him away like that. It’s a shame.”
There are people identified in the demonstrations in Rome because they were not wearing masks. As learned, everyone will be sanctioned. In the event of further violations, the complaint will also be evaluated.
Insults to a journalist during the Liberation march in Piazza San Giovanni while asking some questions to the participants. The journalist was later escorted out of the square by the police along with the operator.
Also in the square was a plastic skeleton with a mask that said “I’m not dead from coronavirus but from hunger” and flags of the Italian sovereign front. Among the posters on display “I am not a denier. I am here because I do not want the dictatorship” and “L as an optional mask of freedom.”
There are only a few dozen, mostly in the orange vest, the unmasked protesters in Piazza Bocca della Verità, in Rome, for the sit-in against the use of the mask as an anti-Covid function and in general against the leadership . government of the pandemic.
“We are not deniers, that term is used for those who deny the Holocaust, while I believe in both the Shoah and the Covid,” says one of them, with his mask lowered on his chin to speak to reporters. But here we have reached the point. The Constitution no longer exists and it is neither possible to dissent nor demonstrate ”.
“The mask is harmful, it makes us breathe in our carbon dioxide – says Paolo Martini, 54, sports manager who came from Frosinone -. We want a technical-scientific committee that is also open to authorized professors who think differently and that nobody listens. Why don’t I get up? The mask? There is a law that prohibits distortion of the face. If we want to respect the laws, let’s respect them all ”. According to another, “three children have already died in Germany from suffocation.”
Many policemen present in the square observe the small sit-in from a distance, which had a tense moment when two young people who were cursing the press were rejected by an old man in an orange vest who called himself a “retired police commissioner.” . “They are provocative,” he said. But the journalists were later subjected to insults by other militants. There is a widespread idea among protesters that Covid is not as deadly as is believed and none of them seem to have even an acquaintance who has fallen ill. Several profess integral Catholicism.
“Dab the c …” is a poster that stands out in the group. Another says in English “fear is used to control you.”
On September 5, a similar unmasked demonstration gathered several hundred people. (HANDLE).