There is 1 new positivity from a high school student and one from a student residing outside the province who attends high school in Altopolesine.
1 new positivity from Polesine residents (a total of 699 Polesine residents positive for COVID-19 found since the start of the epidemic):
– Child of 2007, resident in Rovigo, attends the third grade of a secondary school in Rovigo. He is symptomatic and has been placed in home isolation.
“Today the province’s two USCA (Special Continuity Care Units) have been activated and the first interventions have already been carried out. class that had contact with the child directly in the school complex. It is encouraging to see how effective the collaboration between the Hygiene and Public Health Service, the School and the USCA was, ”says the Director General.
In the afternoon we will give a newsletter update with the results of the quick swabs that are being done at the school.
The positivity of a child, residing outside the province, also emerged, who was attending the fourth class of a Higher Institute of Upper Polesine where the positivity of a companion had emerged in recent days. I was already isolated since the positivity emerged.
There are currently 12 inpatients at our Covid-19 facility, in particular:
9 patients in the Covid Medical Area in Trecenta
2 patients in Covid Intensive Care in Trecenta
1 patient in Infectious Diseases in Rovigo
An operator from the Taglio di Po housing community and a non-sanitary worker from the “Villa Resemini” Senior Services Center in Stienta are positive.
At all other Non-Hospital Residential Structures in Polesine, no positive results were reported either among guests or operators.
The swabs made since the beginning of the epidemic, in Polesine, are 103,225. There are 37,380 people subjected to swabs.
6 new cures bring the total number of cures in Polesine since the beginning of the epidemic to 560. There are currently 91 positive people in the province.
To date, 353 people have been placed in home isolation with active surveillance.