“50 years without previous pathologies, I lost a friend to Covid”, the outburst of the Foggia doctor: “Should we be alarmist or confident?”


“He was 50 years old, he was a young adult without previous pathologies, today he died of Covid.” He unburdens himself on social media Massimo Zanasi, doctor in charge of Lastaria di Lucera, to tell – deliberately publicly – the story that moved him closely. And that raises many questions about the approach to the virus, both from a medical and informational point of view.

“Should we be alarmist or be confident? – writes – What role do you want us to cover? I mean the doctors. Giving news means terrifying, frightening. Better not say it, not know it. So, to exorcise the virus, this is enough! As if, by not giving news of robberies, murders, extortion, one perceives life as more beautiful than it is, happier, safer. Today, a 50-year-old young adult whom he had known for years died of Covid. Apart from the pain, the pain for this still young broken life, made me think a lot about the cause: the usual Covid ”.

“You will say – continue – did you not know? The world is full of them, aren’t you a doctor? Where you live? Right, but that’s not the point. He had a good time 4 nasopharyngeal swabs, all negative. The fifth became positive after several technical tricks, a few days before hospitalization and only a little, before dying. He had no comorbidities, he was not in a deteriorated physical state. I don’t know if the news worries, terrifies or the other way around makes everyone think (including the doctors). We pay for tolerance and even more for the idea of ​​forced coexistence with the virus. Apart from the real pain in my heart for the loss of a friend – continues in the story -, it seems to me that there are no certainties. Tampons, serology (let’s not talk about that!). Leave the time you can find if preventive measures (some perhaps drastic) are not adopted (mask, social distancing, constant hand washing) ”.

“On the influenza or pneumococcal vaccine, which is spoken of as adjuvants, there are contradictory data in the literature – he concludes -.

Every parent should always think that their children cannot be forbidden to socialize, but each of them may be at risk of contagion as well as being a source of contagion. Dear Matteo, may the earth be light for you … a true fraternal embrace ”.
