“We are working in the territory to isolate the root infection or we will not need an excessive number of beds. We have 30 people in intensive care, we are not in an emergency, but we are working to prepare for the worst and in the Covid hotel to alleviate the hospitals “. . This was stated by Governor Nello Musumeci, appointed by the presidency of the Council of Ministers as commissioner for the health emergency in Sicily.
“We have bought two million fast tampons,” he added, “because we want to identify the positive one immediately, we go to schools with saliva tests to avoid the inconvenience of tampons for children. It is all that serves in a phase of constant tension and The figures say that in Sicily there are slightly more than 200 infected (the bulletin arrived shortly after, however, it speaks of 285 infections, ed), Campania has around 700. It is clear that with regard to the southern regions we are not in an emergency, not to mention the northern regions. We will have to deal with next year’s daily ‘war bulletin’ as well, eventually we will get tired of hearing how many are infected and cured. We have to get used to living with this damn virus with caution and prudence without being afraid ”.
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“Sicily is no longer the region linked to prejudices sometimes marked by racism on the part of some newspapers, but a land that has shown and proves to have quality health care and that is a candidate to be a hub in the Mediterranean in terms of research and quality of services to give answers to a world that hits Europe. There is a bit of prejudice towards the South dictated by fellow journalists – added the governor – and because it is believed that it is still crowded with unruly, disorderly, unconscious and irresponsible people. “. “For the love of God – he concluded – there is no doubt that there is a small minority, but we have shown that we are a people who respect the rules and we must continue to demonstrate it with greater collective and individual responsibility. We have to live with the virus for maybe a year. “.