Kim Jong-un flex his muscles and challenge Covid and America at the same time, three weeks before the US presidential election. The grand military parade in Pyongyang for the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Workers’ Party was an opportunity to showcase the “new strategic weapons” announced by the North Korean leader months ago and reaffirm a kind of immunity for the country to the coronavirus pandemic. to verify.
On an 11-axis carrier, a giant ICBM has appeared that one of North Korea’s most famous American business analysts, Ankit Panda, called “the largest mobile liquid-fueled missile ever seen.” And that Harry Kazianis, of the conservative US think tank Center for the National Interest, considered “much larger and clearly more powerful than anything else in North Korea’s arsenal.”
Thousands of masked soldiers marched through Kim Il-sung’s great square before dawn as a smiling Kim, in a gray western-cut suit, saluted, received flowers from the children and joked with the generals at his side. “Not a single person” in North Korea has contracted the virus, stressed the North Korean leader, who in January closed the borders to prevent the infection from circulating and wanted to congratulate “everyone in the world who is fighting.” against the evils of the malignant virus “.
No explicit reference to Trump but the parade, the first in two years, three weeks before the US presidential election and to which no foreign guests or journalists have been admitted, along with the display of the new super missiles sounds like a show of force. .