Premature closure of the premises and no parties. Curfew is coming – Time


It thundered so much that it rained. The restriction of anti-Covid regulations arrives. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, will discuss them with the technical-scientific committee before translating them to the next dpcm. Among the measures to contain the virus is the tightening of the closing hours of the premises that will close their doors from 11:00 p.m., without forgetting the tightening of contact sports and private parties that will be prohibited.

Coronavirus, Hope urgently calls the technical scientific committee

The following is a detail of what Minister Speranza’s proposals foresee: “The use of respiratory protection devices is highly recommended even in private homes in the presence of non-cohabitants; possible limitation of participation in events related to the ceremonies (weddings, communions, etc.) up to a maximum of 30 people, always in compliance with the protocols and guidelines already adopted; absolute prohibition of holding private parties; absolute prohibition of contact sports; any limitation of participation in congresses (identification of a limit number or percentage of filling); possible limitation of public participation in sporting events as well as shows open to the public (reduction of the current limit of 1000 outdoors and 200 indoors); smart expansion working at 70% – 75%; possible limitation of the activities of catering services (bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries), even to take out until 11pm; strengthening control over the territory to ensure compliance with the planned measures ”
