VATICAN CITY The wave of infections that advances menacingly without forgiving anyone is the worst nightmare for parish priests, bishops and cardinals, and not only for restaurateurs or directors of bars. The risky hypothesis of having to close oratories and parishes again or introduce more restrictions on the access of the faithful to liturgical celebrations – including weddings, baptisms, confirmations, funerals – represents the worst scenario.
The expected Dpcm is very high even on the upper floors of the CEI. The only comment that leaks refers to the secretary of the bishops, Stefano Russo: “He is in constant contact with the government and the Scientific Committee to closely monitor the evolution of the pandemic.” Translated it means that everything is being fixed but it is clear that the bishops could be called to face any restrictive measures, perhaps even just to avoid crowds outside the churches.
Pope Francis, the post-Covid world imagines it governed by a correct globalization
Should infections increase again, returning the national situation to last spring, the CIS will not fail to respond responsibly to protect the national interest and the common good. However, the concern remains palpable considering the side effects of Covid on the discontent of the faithful. The fact is that the subsequent blockade, already in the months after the resumption of religious celebrations, highlighted a decline in the faithful almost everywhere, in Italy and abroad. A few weeks ago Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation of Bishops, spoke openly about it. “The long eucharistic fast due to the confinement has made people lose the habit of Sunday Mass,” he told via streaming at a conference organized by European episcopates. The inability to go to mass has marked habits and now it is difficult to recover. Corrado Sanguineti, Bishop of Pavia, shares the same opinion. “We must recognize that discontent with the Mass, a fundamental gesture of faith, has grown, and we run the risk of being an increasingly dispersed people.” It is clear that another confinement would be one more blow.
Covid’s uphill curve remains a source of alarm even in the Vatican. Yesterday the first effect of the escalation of infections occurred with the sudden cancellation of an audience with the members of the Confartigianato in the Paul VI Room. The change was communicated with a letter stating that the decision to skip the appointment was “painful, both because it would have been a great party for everyone, but even more so because the reason is clearly linked to the tragedy of the pandemic, which in In recent weeks it has been experiencing new growth and these days the Government is in the process of issuing new restrictive measures.
In recent days it has been seen that despite the controls of Vatican personnel, it is impossible for the faithful to maintain social distances in papal audiences. Once the Pope approaches the barriers or enters the Hall, people spontaneously approach to take him to their mobile phones and try to see him up close. With the disastrous result of scores of people stuck and neglected of the dangers of contagion. However, Francesco does not seem to give too much weight to the risks of the pandemic given that he still does not use the mask and, above all, he continues to shake the hand of those who are not respecting safety regulations. In recent days, however, it has issued an internal order to make masks mandatory for employees while on the move.
Last updated: 22:23