doctors and nurses risk filing complaints


Party in the Bari hospital room, the photos without a mask end on Facebook: doctors and nurses risk a complaint

Kisses and hugs, without wearing the mandatory protective masks in the room, during a private party organized in a room at the Giovanni XXIII Pediatric Hospital in Bari. The photos taken by the protagonists have ended up on Facebook and, now, 12 doctors and eight nurses are in danger of a disciplinary process and even a criminal complaint for interruption of public service.

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The private party, according to the reconstruction of the health management of the Apulian hospital, in fact took place during service hours: the internal investigation began on Friday evening, when the photographs ended up on the desk of the general director Giovanni Migliore: ” unacceptable behavior, to put it mildly, and absolutely irresponsible, “interrupted the manager of the company who immediately gave the mandate to carry out investigations to get to the bottom of the matter. At a time when all hospitals are in a state of emergency. On high alert due to the coronavirus emergency and the clinics are “shielded” to limit the risk of contagion, winds between doctors and nurses who, without wearing personal protective equipment, provide and hug each other in the room has caused shame to the entire hospital .

It is not yet clear what the group of employees was celebrating, this is also an element on which the sanctioning proceedings commission must clarify, which was in charge of carrying out the controls and listening to all the protagonists. Meanwhile, Giovanni XXIII’s health management acquired the photographic documentation that the health workers themselves had published on social networks, as if nothing had happened. Thanks to the photos completed on Facebook, the hospital was able to identify all the participants. The commission will also hear from the head of the department, who has already been asked for a preliminary report. “It is clear – continues Migliore – that there was a breach of the anti-Covid regulations, from the lack of distancing to the correct use of protection devices and infection prevention and control procedures.” According to the health department, the party ended up compromising the safety of the operators and the continuity of care.

But the internal investigation commission must also ascertain whether there may have been “an interruption of public service or other criminally relevant conduct that could give rise to criminal responsibility, as well as disciplinary.” “If this is the case, we will send the Prosecutor’s Office all the documentation we have to know the individual responsibilities,” Migliore announces. The controls will be quick, guaranteed by the hospital management. «They already left last night – explains Migliore – as soon as I received the photos with a first brief report. We await the outcome of the investigations, but what is clear is that it is an unacceptable episode. ”

Last updated: 18:53

