Covid, a new wave of hospitalizations: more than 400 more infected – La Stampa


TORINO. “The situation is already out of control – comments the manager of an ASL, under guarantee of anonymity -: the infection monitoring system is in trouble, we are moving towards an important commitment of the hospital system”. That, although slowly, it begins to suffer the consequences of the epidemic, which is in an abrupt recovery also in Piedmont.
Day after day, the figures are more and more eloquent. Yesterday there were no deaths, and thank goodness, but a further increase in infections: + 401 compared to Thursday: 267 asymptomatic. Of the 401 cases in question: 74 are derived from examinations, 237 are case contacts, 90 with ongoing investigation, 27 in RSA, 62 in schools, 312 in the general population. Figures that make those recovered pale: yesterday the Crisis Unit announced that the patients cured virologically, that is, those who tested negative for both tests at the end of the disease, are 28,618 (+69 compared to Thursday).

Regarding the bet of the hospital system: there are 22 patients hospitalized in intensive care (+6 compared to Thursday); the patients who are not in intensive care are 345 (+34). The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 777,967 of which 424,728 negative results: yesterday about 7,000 were made.
At this point, it is difficult to think of other strategies other than the progressive reactivation of Covid departments in hospitals – the implementation of the 27 laboratories in charge of analyzing swabs is already underway, soon with the help of accredited private structures – the productivity and reinforcement of the staff of the Sisps, the health services of the Asl in charge of climbing the chain of infections: an increasingly long and elusive chain. At this point, each infected person corresponds to 40-50 “case contacts”: people who must be traced and swabbed. So much so that among doctors there are those who wonder if “contact tracing” still makes sense at this point. At least: with current criteria. The works to equip hospitals and emergency rooms are at stake: even yesterday from Rome they asked the directors of ASL for more information about the intervention plans that Piedmont had presented in July.

“The figures are getting worse, we must do everything possible to care for the sick at home and avoid overloading the hospitals,” explains Luigi Icardi, the Councilor for Health. Then, of course, if we continue like this, further restrictions will be inevitable. ‘ Doubts about the sanctions provided by the government for those who do not comply with the obligation to wear a mask even outdoors: “I would prefer fines of 50 euros, but strict controls, than sanctions of 400 euros with few controls.”

Common concern about a situation that seems to be one step away from spiraling out of control. No one is taking into account the expected decrease in infections over the weekend – due, as we know, to the reduction in swab tests on Saturday and Sunday. Doctors agree on one thing: the turning point, for the worse, coincided with the return of summer vacation. In particular of the countries at risk: Spain, Greece, Malta, Croatia. The assumption also agreesKing. The situation across the border in France is not helping. Evaluate the impact of the opening of schools, which according to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Italy affect infections by 2.5%: “Even if, more than behaviors at school, which affects children when they go out”.

The good news refers to the arrival, within ten days, of quick swabs that will make it possible to enhance screening: the Region, through Scr, has ordered one million doses, plus another 200 thousand that can be purchased later. With the weakening hope that they are not necessary.

