Daily tampons will go from the current around 10,000 to more than 15,000. In addition, faster tests will be introduced for Tuscan students. These are the main contents, anticipated by the new president Eugenio Giani, of the new regional ordinance that must be signed next Monday, October 12.
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Coronavirus: from rapid ASL tests and doctors in schools
“Yesterday – said the president – I met with the directors of the health authorities to fine-tune the expansion plan to counter the new wave that is also causing some concern in Tuscany. However, I think I can reassure the Tuscan citizens as a response from the
The services thus far have been excellent and the facilities have proven to be able to effectively counter this delicate moment. We have decided
Especially reinforcing tampons and from mid-October we will go from 10,000 to more than 15,000 tampons. In addition – Giani adds – we will make available
faster test schools to meet the demands of families and allow Tuscan students to keep absences to a minimum. “