Carlo Acutis blessed his mother: “I will tell you about his miracle”


Today in Assisi Carlo sharp will be proclaimed blessed. The young Milanese – who for many is already the patron of the Internet – was born on May 3, 1991 in London, where his parents were on business. He died on October 12, 2006 from fulminant leukemia. Already declared venerable in July 2018 by Pope Francis, Acutis is blessed today after the Congregation for the Causes of Saints examined his miracle, which took place in October 2010 at the church of San Sebastiano in Campo Grande, Brazil: after touching a relic of Acutis, a boy who suffered from a severe pancreatic abnormality and was completely cured. Next, we reissue the interview conducted by Stefano Lorenzetto with Carlo’s mother, Antonia Salzano, and published by Corriere a few weeks ago.

Intercede. Save. Cure. Convert. Appears. The devotees of what is already called the pattern of the Internet, at least 1 million on five continents, they see his presence everywhere. The last sign, August 15. Fans write on Facebook: Tonight, on the solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Assumption, Carlo came to take his dog Briciola, almost 17 years old. Now she too runs and plays in the wonderful gardens of Paradise along with Carlo’s other animals who preceded her, the dogs Poldo, Stellina and Chiara, the cats Bambi and Cleopatra. Doesn’t it seem excessive to you that they associate the Assumption with the death of an animal? He smiles indulgently Antonia Salzano, mother of Carlo Acutis, struck down at 15 by fulminant leukemia in the short span of 72 hours. Before he left us, I told him: if you find our four-legged friends in heaven, you will compare yourself to Billy, my childhood dog. I did not know him. One day Aunt Gioia, unaware of our agreement, telephoned me: “Last night I saw Carlo in a dream. He had Billy in his arms. “

But there are very different signs that the Milanese student, already venerable since 2018, will be proclaimed blessed by the Church on October 10 in Assisi, the last stage before becoming a saint. When the canonical recognition of the mortal remains of the very young servant of God was carried out on January 23, 2019, his body was found intact. I was there, my husband did not want to see. He was still our big boy, 1.82 tall, just slightly darker skinned, with all his curly black hair. And the same weight, the one he himself had predicted.

A few days after the funeral, at dawn I was awakened by a voice: “Testament.” I rummaged in his room, I thought I would find a writing there. Nothing. I turned on the computer, the instrument of my choice. On the desk was a very short video that he had filmed alone in Assisi three months earlier: “When I weigh 70 kilos, I am destined to die.” And he looked unconcerned at the sky.

Carlo’s life lasted only 5,641 days.

Actually 5,640. He fell into a coma at 2 p.m. on October 11, 2006, with a smile on his face. We think he fell asleep. Brain death was declared at 5 pm, the legal morning of the 12th. We wanted to donate their organs, but it was not possible, they told us that they were compromised by the disease. A beautiful paradox, because the heart, perfect, will now be displayed in a monstrance in the papal basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi.

When was it taken?

During the recognition of 2019. With a notarial deed we wanted to donate the body to the Bishop of Assisi. It was true that he belonged to the universal Church.

How did Charles discover faith?

Certainly no thanks to us parents, please write it down. I had only been to church three times in my life: first communion, confirmation, marriage. And when I met my future husband, while he was studying political economy in Geneva, it was not that he went to mass on Sundays.

So how do you explain this religiosity?

Beata, the Polish nanny, dedicated to Pope Wojtyla, played a role. But there was in him a natural predisposition to the sacred. At the age of 3 1/2 years he asked me to enter the churches to greet Jesus. In the parks of Milan he collected flowers to bring to the Virgin. He wanted to approach the Eucharist at 7, instead of 10.

We set it free. We found it nice, so we asked for an exception. For me it was an “incidence of God”. Carlo saved me. I was illiterate in faith. I approached thanks to Father Ilio Carrai, Father Pio of Bologna, otherwise I would have felt discredited in my parental authority. a path that still endures today. I hope at least I end up in purgatory.

Was Carlos precocious only in prayer?

Throughout. It was a monster of skill. By the age of 6 he had mastered the computer, walked around the house wearing a white coat and the “Computer Scientist” badge. At the age of 9 he wrote electronic programs thanks to the texts acquired in the Polytechnic library.

Wasn’t he too small to use the computer?

The promoters of the cause of beatification have thoroughly analyzed the memory of his computer with forensic investigation techniques, without finding the slightest trace of inappropriate activity. He dreamed of using the PC and the web to spread the Gospel. Pope Francis in theChrist is alive he cites Carlo as an example for young people. “He knew very well,” he explains, “that these communication, advertising and social media mechanisms can help us become sleeping subjects”, but he knew how to get out of them “to communicate values ​​and beauty.” His gaze extended far beyond the Internet.

In the soup kitchens, those of the Sisters of Mother Teresa of Calcutta in Baggio and of the Capuchins in Viale Piave, where he served as a volunteer. At night he left the house with containers full of food and hot drinks. He took them to the homeless under the Arco della Pace, for whom he also bought sleeping bags with the savings of his tips. He was accompanied by our waiter Rajesh Mohur, a Brahmin from the Indian priestly caste, who converted to Catholicism watching Carlos help the dispossessed.

Had he ever said that one day he would rise to the honor of altars?

He was sure that he was already a saint in life. He cured a lady of a tumor, pleading with the Virgin of Pompeii.

The miracle recognized by the Church?

No, just one of many who have not even entered the canonization process. What he was proclaimed blessed happened in Brazil on the seventh anniversary of his death, on October 12, 2013, in Campo Grande. Matheus, 6, was born with a bifurcated pancreas and could not digest solid food. Father Marcelo Tenrio invited the parishioners to a novena and placed a piece of Carlo’s shirt on the little patient, whom he would begin to eat the next day. The CT scan showed that his pancreas had become identical to that of healthy people, without the surgeons having operated on it. An instant, complete, lasting and inexplicable cure in the light of current medical knowledge.

How did your child get sick?

It looked like a trivial flu. After a few days, severe asthenia and blood appeared in the urine. He came up with one of his phrases: “I offer these sufferings for the Pope, for the Church and for going straight to heaven without going through purgatory”, but in the family we did not give it too much weight. I called Professor Vittorio Carnelli, who had been his pediatrician. Recommends immediate admission to the De Marchi clinic. And we got the wrong diagnosis: M3 acute myeloid leukemia. Carlo was informed of this by the hematologists. He reacted gently and commented, “The Lord gave me a nice wake-up call.” He was transferred to the San Gerardo de Monza hospital. As soon as he arrived, he shook his head: “I’m not leaving here alive.”

Did you invoke a miracle for your son?

Yes, of Jesus, the Virgin and the venerable Friar Cecilio Maria, alias Pietro Cortinovis, the Capuchin founder of the San Francesco Opera for the Poor of Milan. But God’s plans were different.

Those that he had proposed to Charles before he died: ask the Lord to show us a sign of his presence.

And what did your son reply?

“Don’t worry, Mom. I will give you many signs ”. Nine days after his death, in Tixtla, Mexico, a host turned red with blood. A commission also made up of incredulous scientists found that it was from the AB group, the same one present in the Shroud and in the Lanciano miracle, and that it was heart cells. Four years later, there was still fresh blood in the layers beneath the coagulation.

His son had mounted Segni, an exhibition on Eucharistic miracles.

Yes, he is touring all the shrines in the world. In the United States, 10,000 parishes have embraced it. They are supernatural events like the one that occurred on October 12, 2008, on the second anniversary of his death, in Soklka, Poland. A host fell to the ground during communion, and kept in a safe, a week later it became a piece of meat of myocardial origin, blood type AB.

Did he just have these signs?

Also others. Carlo predicted that she would become a mother again, even though she was about to turn 40. And in 2010, when I was 43 years old, I gave birth to twins Michele and Francesca.

Why was he buried in Assisi?

We have a house in Umbria. A sign warned that there were new niches for sale in the municipal cemetery. I asked Carlo what he thought of that. “I’d be delighted to end up here,” he replied. His intact body was later transferred to the Sanctuary of Despojo, where now the faithful can venerate him forever.

What do you miss most about your son?

Joy. As soon as he died, I remember thinking: now who will make me laugh? and who will help me with the computer? I still have his thoughts, sayings and writings: “Not me, but God!” “From whatever point of view you look at it, life is always fantastic.” “All are born original, but many die as photocopies.”

The last one gives a good idea of ​​social networks.

thus, the men of today give themselves. Your happiness is made only of likes. But Carlo the influencer of God.

Wouldn’t she still want him here with her instead of having a saint in heaven?

I made the invocation of Job my own: “The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord!” Children do not belong to us, they are entrusted to us. I feel Carlo more present than when he was alive. I see the good it does. It is enough for me.

October 10, 2020 (change October 10, 2020 | 09:13)

