There are 107 new positive swabs in Varese, 983 in Lombardy



According to the report on the spread of the infection in the Lombardy region of Friday October 9 there are 107 new cases of SarsCov-2 positive citizens in the Varese area. It is still a high number, after a week in which positive swabs have grown a lot day by day not only in our province but also regionally and nationally. At the moment we continue to receive guarantees on the health situation that fortunately denotes a low pressure on hospitals but, as has always happened since the beginning of the emergency, we cannot obtain accurate and updated data on a provincial panorama of hospitalizations and on the conditions that best characterize. the aseptic number of daily infections. For this we have written this article and we are waiting for answers, requested every day by its readers (CLICK HERE).
– Given the fluctuation in the number of buffers reported daily, which is never uniform between the days of the week, we have built a view that allows us to compare the data reported day by day with those of the same days of the previous week. In the province of Varese, the communications between Monday and Friday of last week were 122, this week there are 255 or 109% more –

In the Lombardy region, the number of tampons reported today is 25,623. The new positives are 983 by a percentage equal to 3.8% in the swabs performed. The number of positive citizens is currently 11,128 (722 more than yesterday).

Data from Friday, October 9

– swabs performed: 25,623, total total: 2,280,488
– new positive cases: 983 (of which 77 ‘weak positive’ and 11 after serological tests)
– total healed / discharged: 82,744 (+260), of which 1,442 discharged and 81,302 recovered
-in intensive care: 44 (+3)
-patients not in intensive care: 371 (+10)
– deaths, grand total: 16,980 (+1)

Lombardy facts

The trend of intensive care and hospitalization in Lombardy

New cases in the Lombard provinces

Milan: +501
Bergamo: +49
Brescia: +45
Like: +34
Cremone: +7
Lecco: +10
Lodi: +8
Mantua: +23
Monza and Brianza: +108
Pavia: +32
Sondrio: +6
Varese: +107
