Lombardia coronavirus, 983 positive. Fears for Milan: the red alert threshold exceeded for 3 days


The critical threshold of 300 new cases in Milan had been identified at the end of emergency shutdown. A red alert threshold. And for three consecutive days, until yesterday, the health authority (which also includes Lodi) registers a series of new positives above that limit: having exceeded it by something worse than a risk indicator. Hospitals are preparing to help a new wave of hospitalizations, although ICUs remain fairly empty. And then there is a final element that epidemiologists look for: the increase in deaths. In Milan, even if it’s contained, you start to notice it.

And so the metropolis, where more than half of the new infections occur in Lombardy (yesterday about a thousand new cases, 983), supports the recent expansion phase of the coronavirus. with the apprehension that prevailed in the spring: if Covid were to break through in Milan, the situation could go beyond criticism even if for now it remains below the average of many other areas of Italy. (Here the complete report of the infections, province by province).

The tracking system, the only real weapon to contain the spread, trudges under numbers that are increasingly difficult to handle. Consequence: delays in virus mapping and in tracking the contacts of the positives to be isolated. And then delays for swabs – to access exam points in drive in You also spend whole days in the queue of the car.

The report from the last week, which from September 28 to October 4, says that only between Milan and the province are registered 848 active outbreaks, of which 107 new ones, involving a total of 2,299 people. For the most part, these are outbreaks at home, often triggered by youth and teens.

Lombardy President Attilio Fontana writes in a social message: The trend of the epidemiological curve in Lombardy is increasing. I must ask for more attention and responsibility.

October 9, 2020 | 17:46

