When is it necessary to take the protective mask with you?
Forever. Each of us must always carry the mask with us and use it whenever we can come into contact with people who do not live together. The obligation to wear them is foreseen indoors and also in all places outdoors, when you are near people who do not live together. The prohibition is not valid in cases where isolation from other people who do not live together is guaranteed continuously.
Wasn’t there already an obligation for indoor environments?
Until now, the regulations provided for the obligation to wear a mask in all closed places open to the public (public transport, shops, offices). Now you must keep the mask in any closed place, even private, when in the company of other people who do not live together.
So should they be used at home too?
It is not necessary to wear the mask when you are at home with cohabitating family members, but it should be worn if strangers enter and gamble in the apartment.
And in the offices?
Yes. Even if the security protocols that have been signed with companies to guarantee distancing are still in force.
By car And by motorcycle?
It is not necessary if you drive alone or with people you live with. If you are traveling with other people who do not live together, you must wear a mask, obviously also in taxis. On a motorcycle, it is necessary to wear the mask only if you are sitting with another person who does not live together.
Should anyone who runs or plays sports wear it?
Sports enthusiasts do not have to wear a mask, but they must always respect the safety distance.
Are children required to wear them all the time?
For children under six years of age, for disabled people or for other people with pathologies that do not make the use of the mask compatible, there is no obligation to wear the protection device, in other cases yes.
And at school?
In schools, children over the age of 6 and teens should wear masks in common areas and when on the move. They are exempt when they are in the classrooms and the distancing is respected.
Are there penalties for those who do not wear masks when it is mandatory to do so?
The new decree foresees sanctions that range between 400 and 1,000 euros for those who do not wear a mask. Any public official can fine citizens who do not respect the rules.