
“Freedom is not an exclusively individual fact, but is carried out together with others, requiring responsibility and collaboration. So Sergio Mattarella he expressed himself during an interview in the Quirinale with the Greek president Katerina Sakellaropoulou. Italy warns of the danger of one Second wave of the coronavirus after the last bulletins recorded an impressive increase in infections: from 2,000 we went to almost 5,000 per day and even Walter Ricciardi, an adviser to the Ministry of Health, said they could reach 16,000 in November if we do not act. “The need to keep schools, factories and offices open implies greater responsibility of individuals in preventing and limiting infections ”, declared President Mattarella, who then underlined the great seriousness of Italians and Greeks to face the pandemic. Too bad, however, that the emergency is not over yet, in fact, the alarm is rising to the levels of last spring and government experts are talking about a new shutdown: even if there probably won’t be another total shutdown, but a mini closure based on individual local and regional situations. Unless the situation definitely gets out of hand.
