Genoa. As anticipated Genova24 will begin tomorrow, Friday, October 9, from Deledda High School ASL 3 Covid detection activity in Genoese schools. At 9 a.m., the consultant school group led by Luigi Canepa will go to the institute in via Bertani and begin to act about 750 children and about 90 teachers and school operators antigenic nasal swabs, ie rapid tests that can anticipate the swab in case of a “non-negative” result.
“The purpose of this activity – explains the general manager of Asl 3, Luigi Carlo Bottaro – It is exclusively preventive in order to identify any non-symptomatic positive potential, a principle of possible contagion. This with the objective, in addition to being preventive, of bringing the school reality in a palpable and evident way, strengthening the pact of close collaboration with the school at a time and in a place of vital importance for the country. This activity it is just the beginning of a screening intervention at all city school complexes that continues, after the Deledda, in the historic center of the city and to continue in the schools, which have already highlighted problems related to Covid-19 ″.
Students and school staff may be subjected to the antigenic swab voluntarily directly inside the structures. For underage students prior consent signed by relatives, which has already been sent not only to Deledda but also to all Genoese schools in order to be able to intervene promptly if positive cases arise. In the event that the screening test result is “non-negative”, the oropharyngeal swab (molecular) and the Asl3 prevention department will establish the possible quarantine and the subsequent contact tracing.
The task–strength dedicated to schools is made up of three specially trained teams of doctors, nurses and social-health workers from the school group, who will be able to intervene in both screening and emergency activities derived from the evaluations of alert significant in the school environment reported by the prevention department (positive case or cases) or by Alisa, based on predefined criteria. “The Asl3 initiative – concludes Bottaro – will have as its operational base the headquarters in via Agnese and will make use of the usual collaboration with the Gaslini institute for the reading of molecular swabs, if necessary”.
“We verify the effectiveness of rapid tests with the Commenda di Prè clinic – adds the President of Liguria Giovanni Everybody – which has allowed, from its inception until yesterday, to carry out 970 swabs, with ‘non-negative’ results in 6.3% of cases, subjected to molecular swab. Starting tomorrow, as we said, we will expand this procedure also in schools, one of the environments that requires more attention and prompt intervention.
“In this way – Toti adds – we will be able to carry out the screening of a large part of the school population, quickly identifying ‘non-negative’ cases, highly suspicious, to be immediately subjected to further investigation with the molecular swab. The mix of rapid tests and molecular swabs will make the screening even more effective, while also avoiding wasting precious days of classroom instruction for our children. “