“Closure between regions? Can’t be ruled out”



Covid, Boccia: Closure between regions?  Can't be ruled out

“The Movement restrictions between regions cannot be ruled out, nothing can be ruled out at this time.. We must defend work and health at all costs. Mobility between regions must be safeguarded, but the situation must be monitored on a day-to-day basis. As soon as a warning light comes on, you have to intervene ”. Therefore, the Minister for Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia to ‘The Breakfast Club’ on Radio Capital.

“Not excluding interventions in case of increases in infections does not mean closing, but being prepared for any intervention. Let’s avoid generating concerns. The absolute priority for the Government and for the Regions is to defend work and school, ”Boccia explained then.

Today the regional health networks are working well for the joint work of daily strengthening that is done between the State and the Regions. In these days we will convene the control room with President Bonaccini to take stock of the proposals of the Regions established yesterday at the State-Regions conference. “.

“The resurgence of infections was predictable. Intensive therapies – he adds – have been reinforced. These are different numbers from April, even though the virus is there and we have to live with it. As a government we do not put any obstacles ”. And in rapid tests: “It is not acceptable to wait hours and hours to take a swab. We must strengthen health services, we are working on rapid tests so that they can be done anywhere ”.

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