Infections are increasing, the government thinks about reducing parties and large events


The government is considering a new tightening to contain the jump in infections registered yesterday, with 4,458 new positives and 22 deaths. And after having foreseen the obligation of masks throughout the national territory, now think about new containment measures for parties and mass events.

At this stage, the announced strategy is to foresee specific closures, at the local level, mini-lock. As arranged in Latina, for 14 days. This will serve to avoid, at least for the moment, a national shutdown. There Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa it excludes that this possibility exists: “No, we cannot afford a new blockade. The country, the economy, but also we, our existential condition, could not endure a new blockade,” he also told Radio. .

I know but the Rt index must be above 1.5 for three consecutive weeks then closures could also be established for sectors considered strategic. At this time the priority of the executive is however keep schools and economic and commercial activities open. Among the measures contained in the new anti-Covid decree, which extended those provided in the dpcm of last September 7 until next October 15, there is also the limitation of the power of the presidents of the Region: from now on they will be able to issue ordinances that contain only stricter standards than those in force at the national level. On the other hand, they cannot foresee a relaxation of the measures.

On the other hand, there was no anticipated closure of bars and restaurants, which feared the imposition of a ‘curfew’, with the obligation to close at 23 hours. the high risk of contagion in the gatherings that usually occur in front of the premises. However, it is not excluded that there may be provisions: uone of the hypotheses under study is the limitation of seats at the table to promote distance between people.

The experts will keep under control the number of admissions, but especially the number of admissions to intensive care. If these fill beyond the protection levels, a new lock may be required. But at the moment we are not yet at this stage, the scientists say.

Party restrictions

In any case, the CTS has already instructed the government to foresee limitations for massive events: the demonstration of tomorrow’s deniers in Rome and the Perugia-Assisi March are under observation. At the moment, the number of participants in indoor events is set at 200, for those who are outdoors the threshold is 1000. But this limit could be revised by day in light of the increase in cases. The limit of attendees to events in public places, such as birthdays, weddings or baptisms, may be lowered.

Public transport

At the moment, in public transport, buses and metro, the allowed capacity is set at 80 percent. But the Ministers of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza are evaluating with the Regions and Municipalities possible limitations also in the means of transport, given the images of the last days, which show crowded platforms, and full wagons far beyond the allowed threshold.
