There are about seventy private laboratories in Campania where the search for the Coronavirus has begun. After the green light from the region for mattresses paid for in private centers, reservations began yesterday at a continuous pace throughout the day. There are those who obtained information on how and when to perform the test, some on the cost, others on the timing of the results and the consequences of a possible positive result. The structures are quite widespread in all the provinces and in particular in the Neapolitan area. These are structures that must be well equipped, equipped with specialized analytical sectors capable of processing the genetic material of the virus extracted from the biological material contained in the swabs. Laboratories already authorized and accredited by the Regional Health Service by virtue of strict structural, instrumental and personnel requirements and capable of manipulating and amplifying SarsCov2 in vitro.
The Region, after a long tug of war and after having allowed private laboratories to swab employees of private companies and sports associations and clubs, now in light of the epidemiological trend and the exponential expansion curve of cases , decided to give the green light to the request for tests by private citizens to the laboratories of the territorial network. To book, you just need a phone call and no doctor’s request is required. In the first contact, a laboratory employee will check the reasons for the request for the swab, the presence of symptoms (in this case, however, the ball goes to the GP) and after writing down the personal data will make an appointment within a period maximum of 24 48 hours. hours. In some special cases and to be verified, the possibility of performing the test at home is not excluded (in asymptomatic patients in isolation for example) but never for a full-blown disease on which, we repeat, the Local Health Authority and the trusted doctor. . On the day and at the established time, the citizen will go to the laboratory where he reserved the swab and a nurse duly protected by a mask, visor and gown, will perform the nasopharyngeal sampling. The result, positive or negative, will be notified by email directly to the person within the next 24 hours. Notification that at the same time it will reach the computer server of the Region and here it can be consulted by the ASL prevention departments and by family doctors who will take care of those who are positive for the virus. The cost of the test ranges between 50 and 70 euros, aligning with the indication, already provided by the Region, to stick to a figure that is around 60 euros. The penalties for laboratories that neglect to transmit data to the ASL are very severe: they range from the written warning to the first episode, going from the suspension of activities to the second offense, until decreeing the revocation of the accreditation in the third case.
In perspective, the number of laboratories authorized to perform swabs could grow to 400 since Palazzo Santa Lucia, in the authorization note issued the day before yesterday, expressly speaks, as a prerequisite for the performance of the procedures, of the possession of specialized sectors of Microbiology , and Genetics and Molecular Biology. Obviously, ad hoc equipment, machines and reagents are needed, investments that, however, can guarantee an economic return given the pressing demand. The expansion of the analytical swab network, for its part, allows health facilities in the Region to take the pulse of asymptomatic patients who are actually circulating at this time, since requests from individual citizens are configured as screening analyzes that They are added to the daily swabs performed by the Asl, especially in the circle of contacts of the index cases and of the subjects identified as positive following other routes.