Covid, mini-lockdown arrives in Lazio: the ordinance


Early closings of bars, discos and restaurants, tables maximum 4 people and no more than 20 participants in private parties and ceremonies – these are the new mini-blocking measures provided for by the order signed by the president of the Lazio region Nicola Zingaretti for him province of latina, effective October 8 for 2 weeks. The decision was made after a worrying boom in new infections in the last week.

“It is essential, at this stage, to respect these norms that do not want to be punitive in the least, but rather preventive to avoid greater and more burdensome limitations throughout the province.”said Regional Health Advisor Alessio D’Amato.

The new restrictions imposed by the Lazio Region are thus added to those of the Campania, where 4 days ago President De Luca already imposed night closings for discos, bars, ice cream parlors and restaurants.

Coronavirus, mini blockade in Latina: the ordinance

  • At midnight on October 8, the ordinance with which President Zingaretti orders the following restrictive measures for 14 days throughout the province of Latina came into force:
  • Maximum participation in private parties and religious ceremonies. 20 people, after registration and adoption of general prevention measures.
  • Maximum seating capacity in restaurant and on premises. 4 people per table, with respect to social distancing.
  • Bars, restaurants and pubs close at mineral 24.
  • Offices open to the public and business activities must display a sign that shows the maximum number of people admitted at the same time, in relation to the size of the premises and in compliance with social distancing.
  • In areas in front of the access of schools, banks, post offices and other public offices, and in public places (squares, parks, beaches, etc …) ban on gathering.
  • It is forbidden to enter health, socio-health and social welfare structures for visits to hospitalized family or friends. Access will be allowed only in exceptional cases and subject to the written authorization of the hospitalization center health manager.
  • Limited entry in gyms, dance schools and other sports activities carried out indoors. At the entrance, a sign must be placed indicating the maximum number of people admitted at the same time in relation to the different areas of activity of the structure, including changing rooms, in compliance with social distancing, ensuring surveillance activities by the operator.
  • All companies with offices in the province of Latina are called to promote agile work, when it is possible.
