Emergency pads for 17 classes and more than 300 children at Einstein in Piove di Sacco


PIOVE DI SACCO (PADUA) – A long meeting that ended at 8 p.m. last night, October 8. He was urgently summoned to the Prevention Department and served to decide on an intervention plan never before carried out in a school: from today to Sunday on shock absorbers to 17 classes Dell ‘Einstein Institute of Piove di Sacco for a total of more 300 students.

These are the effects of the maxi outbreak discovered three days ago in one of the largest schools in the province where the number of infected continues to increase day by day: we are now at 19 because another teacher tested positive. But beware: this teacher does not teach in one of the already controlled classes and therefore the alarm is now even greater. It is for this reason that the Ulss has decided to proceed with massive swabs. An emergency intervention to try to put an end to the biggest and worrying school outbreak in the Veneto region.

The alarm went off on Friday when a teacher called the principal: “I tested positive for Covid.” On Tuesday, 93 high school students (15 positive test results) and three teachers (no positive) were screened. Three out of four classes have been isolated and family counseling has already started. The list grew on Wednesday: another professor and another student from the Einstein Institute tested positive for Covid. The last case is yesterday: one more teacher and we are at 19. Meanwhile, the 15 students who tested positive on the rapid test also tested positive on the traditional swab: the results came in yesterday morning.

If until yesterday afternoon the outbreak seemed limited, at night everything changed. In fact, another positive teacher was found (the Prevention Department considers him independent of the first cluster) and thus today the new Ulss emergency plan is triggered. Starting at 8.30 at the Einstein Institute, students from two classes linked to this teacher and those from three other neighboring sections, in the hallway, will pass swabs to the class where the highest number of positives was recorded on Tuesday. But that’s not all: tomorrow, still at school, there are swabs for another six classes. On Sunday it will be repeated with six other classes. In this case, since the institute is closed on a public holiday, the quick swabs will take place in the social and health district of Piove di Sacco. The total sum therefore speaks of 17 classes to undergo a quick test that are added to the 4 classes already tested on Tuesday. And that’s not all: it was also decided to test Ata staff (janitors and administrative employees) who could inevitably have come into contact with teachers and young people.

On Tuesday, the Piove institute, which has several addresses and 1,529 students, hosted the Padua debut of rapid tests in the classroom. To search for the presence of the Coronavirus, simply insert a nose stick and wait a quarter of an hour, then for positives you still need the canonical control swab. The work of the specialists of Ulss 6 Euganea, however, does not stop there. The Prevention Department is rebuilding the contacts of students and teachers. It must be understood if the contagion certainly occurred within the school walls or if there were other occasions of encounter such as parties and sports activities. The discovery of the positivity of a teacher not linked to the already isolated classes makes everything even more difficult and worrying.

Last updated: 09:06

