COVID – In the municipality the positives amount to 12. Mayor Luca Piergentili: “Several people are rubbing themselves and we are waiting for the results.” Two infected students, procedures performed. The minority councilor asks “an intervention of the Authorities”

The scientific secondary school in Sarnano
of Marco Cencioni
Students with positive coronavirus, a science high school class and a section of the Ipsia “Renzo Frau” of Sarnano in isolation. The number of infected people in the village rises to 12. Since Monday the mayor, Luca Piergentili, updates the case count daily. Today there are three new positives “on the basis of official communications received from the competent health authorities,” the mayor writes. Eight more than yesterday are those in fiduciary isolation: a total of 12 infected and 34 people in quarantine, all within four days.

Mayor Luca Piergentili
The Ubi branch on piazza della Libertà and a farm are also closed. “We recommend the greatest scruples in the use of masks and, as far as possible, in the observance of interpersonal distancing”, specifies the mayor, who yesterday announced the postponement of the presentation of the country’s audio guide precisely to avoid gatherings (read Article). “Several people are taking samples and we are waiting for these results. We are in contact with the Asur offices, with the prefecture and the police headquarters and the local police station – specifies the mayor -. We are verifying based on the data that they send us that they all meet the due requirements, both infected and isolated. We are also in contact with Cosmari for the disposal of waste produced by positive people. At this time, we invite everyone to respect the provisions dictated by the competent authorities as strictly as possible.

The institute note (click to read it in full)
ME’ today the official statement from the director of the institute “A. Gentili “, Maura Ghezzi about Sarnano’s office, with a class that will remain in solitary confinement until October 19: “A case of positivity for Covid among the students of the Sarnano scientific high school was officially reported today by the Department of Territorial Prevention (Dpt) – reads the institute’s website -. The situation is now under constant monitoring by the Dpt in collaboration with the relevant structures of our Institute: the case has been circumscribed and the students of the class involved are all placed in fiduciary preventive home isolation, awaiting a swab, attending regularly to online lessons, activated for them as of tomorrow, as required by the Security Protocol and the Ddi Regulation of our Institute. As for the teachers involved, again on the recommendation of the Dpt, (although they do not present any symptoms), they are also in preventive fiduciary home isolation waiting for a swab. For the other classes of the Institute, the lessons will be held regularly in presence. We also inform them that the current situation in the school will be monitored daily and it will be the responsibility of the writer to inform the user of any information they receive in this regard ”.

The Ipsia Frau de Sarnano
It is the director of the Ipsia Frau di Sarnano, Ida Cimmino, who tells what happened today inside the institute: «The procedures that had been studied in depth by our trained covid representatives were applied with great serenity – he specifies -. When this morning we received from the girl’s parents the news of their daughter’s positivity, we first contacted Asur and carried out the procedure step by step. We notified the parents of the classmates who were in class to come and pick them up, and we invited the teachers who had been in contact with the girl in the 48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms to stay home. I have to thank the great professionalism of my teachers, the Ata staff, and especially the students and families – emphasizes the director – I did not expect the serenity that I found, their calm, availability and maturity helped us to handle everything with extreme serenity. . Unfortunately this is a first emergency, it can happen several times and we will have to learn to live with this situation because despite the fact that everything is carried out with the utmost respect for the regulations, it is not possible to control what happens outside the school and what is out of our control. Ida Cimmino highlights – The girls will be in solitary confinement until October 17, if all goes well on the 19th they will return to class and meanwhile the ddi will be activated from tomorrow. What I would like to emphasize – he concludes – is that the most important job, after enforcing the rules, is also to provide adequate psychological support to students in this delicate phase. We must guide them towards the growth of a greater citizen conscience to become conscientious citizens.

Meanwhile, the opposition council group, “The country we want,” writes to Asur Marche, prefect, police headquarters, traffic police, carabinieri and the Municipality, to implement an emergency plan aimed at containing the pandemic. “Our group considers it appropriate that the Authorities intervene to stop infections, which have been increasing steadily in recent days. We fear that the situation may degenerate – we read -. The rate of positive cases relative to the population is high and increasing. It is currently impossible to predict or track contagion “. The minority specifies: “This is not the time to analyze what has been done (or has not been done) previously to ensure compliance with the regulations to combat the spread of Covid-19, so our only concern at this time is to adopt an emergency plan to stop the spread of the virus. This emergency plan must be promoted by the Administration and in particular by the mayor, as the highest local health authority, in coordination with the prefect, the chief of police, the Department of Public Health of Asur Area Vasta 3, the Civil Protection and the police forces. order, in order to ensure adequate monitoring of the territory. Citizen participation and collaboration is also essential – they need -: the use of masks, even outdoors, hand and room hygiene and social distancing are essential to counteract the spread of the virus. In this situation, it is also important to identify and trace the contagion: it would be advisable to provide a communication channel with the local authorities through which the citizen can communicate any exposure to risk and request information on behaviors and procedures to be adopted.. We want to remember that being positive for Covid-19 only means that you have been exposed to the virus and that there has been a contagion, nothing more. We trust in the civic sense and responsibility of the Sarnanesi, who have repeatedly proven to be an exemplary community in emergency management – they conclude -. We are asked again to make an effort to avoid worse consequences. We believe that the intervention of local authorities is essential for the development of an emergency plan to prevent the spread of the virus and we expect the maximum cooperation of all citizens. We must act quickly. As always, we remain at the disposal of the country.
Sarnano audio guide, presentation postponed: “Let’s avoid meetings”