local closings and upcoming restrictions at parties, clubs, stores and gyms


Infections increase, a mini-closure in Latina and outbreaks in three Lombard hospitals. The coronavirus emergency prompts the government to study new limitations for the October 15 Dpcm that will inevitably bring a new squeeze even if Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte officially excludes a new national lockdown.

New Dpcm October 15: local closures

Yet terror continues to run down the wire. Yesterday the civil protection bulletin marked 4,458 new infections compared to 128,098 swabs made. There have also been 22 more deaths, bringing the total to 36,083 since the emergency began. But the government is divided between those who would like to introduce drastic restrictions immediately, such as Health Minister Roberto Speranza, and those who are terrified of the effects they would have on an economy already devastated in 2020 by the first shutdown.

For this reason, the watchword for now is “take your time.” Wait to see if the situation normalizes and if it is possible to be able to live with the virus in the fall and winter without flooding the hospitals and then wait until the last moment before making drastic decisions that will inevitably affect personal freedoms again. However, if the situation worsens, the drastic measures are ready. OR:

  • Territorial mini-confinements like the one in Latina
  • Curfew for public places like bars and restaurants with early closing at 10 pm or 11 pm
  • Limitations of attendance at parties and ceremonies
  • Limitations of assistance in commercial establishments
  • Stop meetings in front of schools, offices, and public places (including transportation)
  • Prohibitions on access to health facilities for visits to the sick
  • Drastic reduction in the number of admissions for indoor sports activities, including gyms.

This and more could contain the Dpcm in preparation for October 15. But there is a problem. None of these rules would impact on a vehicle of contagion that is considered one of the most dangerous: the family member. To fix this, the government could also try to ban family visits, but this would inevitably have the flavor of a shutdown very similar to the shutdown in March. And Conte knows that the high levels of consensus reached by the executive in recent months could be seriously threatened by such a decision.

New Dpcm: fines of up to a thousand euros for those who do not wear a mask

Dpcm October 15: local closures, curfews and bans

Meanwhile, the Republic explains today, the Scientific Technical Committee has prepared a plan indicating the measures to be taken depending on the seriousness of the situation in the country or in some areas. Four scenarios have been designed, one of which foresees that the transmissibility of the virus is “sustained and generalized, but manageable by the health system in the short-medium term.” Precisely the situation in which Italy finds itself now. Within which, however, territorial contexts must be evaluated, whose risk classification may be different.

If it is high or very high, as it already appears in some Regions, according to the CTS it would face “red zones and temporary blockages with possible reopening only if it is accompanied by a reduction in the incidence of RT below the threshold values”. In this case, sociocultural activities “with higher risk of meetings” and also certain productive activities could be interrupted. Furthermore, “possible restrictions on interregional and intraregional mobility” are hypothesized.

For schools, the closure would not yet kick in. However, the requirement of a mask could be introduced even if there is a meter distance in the classroom; suspend some courses (physical education, workshops, music); stagger the lessons between morning and afternoon. And distance learning would be expanded. Finally, if the problems with the number of cases and outbreaks (and an Rt greater than 1.5) lasted more than three weeks, the closure and closure of schools and universities would be activated immediately.

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In this perspective, the government is also studying the situation of public transport that often travels at full capacity despite the fact that it should be 80 percent occupied. For businesses, Corriere della Sera explains today, in addition to imposing closure at 11pm or 12pm – in the belief that in this way it is possible to limit the movement of people and particularly young people in streets and squares with relative concentration – one The hypothesis under study is the limitation of seats at the table precisely to promote distancing. For his part, Giuseppe Ippolito, director of the Spallanzani Institute, explains that the rise in infections is mainly due “to the increase in the mobility rate of the population, the long queue of holidays, the lowering of the guard in some situations such as night life”. We must forget that the increase in infections may also depend, but only in part, on the increase in the number of swabs performed. Of course the situation evolves rapidly, the virus circulates steadily and the latest data are cause for concern. ”
