Ascoli Piceno, ” Zio Kinto ” is doubled. New pub in Corso Trento and Trieste – picenotime


“Uncle Kinto” is doubled. This afternoon at 6:30 pm the new pub in Corso Trento e Trieste will officially open its doors. The name of the new place, in full English style, will only be revealed at that time. Inside there will also be a special corner dedicated to Ascoli Calcio memories, including a real gem.

A brave and enterprising choice of Franco Piccioni, alias “Zio Kinto”, and Matteo Ferretti who decided to invest in a dramatic moment due to the economic crisis that has hit the city for some years, in addition to the difficulties related to the recent emergency. health due to the spread of Covid-19.

Franco and Matteo, after the transfer made with the historic manager Frollo, will wait for new customers with good beer, meat dishes, as well as of course the classic fried, cold cuts and succulent sandwiches. In full compliance with the anti-Covid regulations, it will be necessary to reserve at 347/8815458 to have reserved and spaced seats.
