positive young couple. And they close some places


Hagia Sophia is no longer “covid free”. With a video posted Thursday night on Facebook, Mayor Daniele Valbonesi communicated two new positives. “It is a young couple, currently in home isolation – he explained -. Both are in good health. In the next few hours, all family members, co-workers and people who frequent them will be rubbed.” But it is not the only novelty that the mayor announces.

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“There will be some places closed as a precaution – Valbonesi updated -. In the last days there was in fact the presence of a man, resident in Forlì, who later tested positive for the hyssop. The managers of the premises and all those who came into contact” with this person will be evaluated according to the procedures provided by the Ausl “.

“The virus is circulating, but we must not lose patience. All precautions and precautions must be increased – is the mayor’s message. I invite the elderly and those with pathologies to limit their attendance to public places, without forgetting the use of masks. We need even more attention and responsibility ”, also reminding citizens that they should sanitize their hands frequently and maintain the necessary distances.
