the airport will reopen and become the Ryanair base


The controversy over the reopening or not of theTreviso Canova Airport, which has been haunted since the beginning of the pandemic, now appears to have an answer, although it is not yet strictly definitive. After the sit-in of the last days by the workers of the Treviso airport, in fact, on Thursday morning a meeting took place between the Mayor of Treviso, Mario Conte, and SAVE Group President Enrico Marchi to discuss the prospects for the airport’s reopening. An important meeting that immediately confirmed the identity of opinions on the importance of the airport for mobility, employment and the general economy of the territory. However, the impact of the Coronavirus in the current situation should not be underestimated, so much so that President Marchi shared air traffic data with the mayor, influenced by the serious global health situation that does not allow us to define the prospects for the next months.

The mayor of Treviso, for his part, brought to Marchi the requests of the workers, CIF and operators of the tourism sector: “Thanks to the dialogue with President Marchi, we found an agreement to anticipate the bureaucratic process of construction of the footbridge on the Noalese road. We also find the availability of SAVE in the perspective of make Canova a Ryanair base, with a wide range of flights. Furthermore, the fact that SAVE has included the investments for the airport among the requests for the Recovery Fund is a guarantee of the importance of Canova for the Group and the confirmation that Treviso and the Brand are considered strategic for the entire transport sector. . With this meeting, therefore, any doubts about the future of Canova are cleared, which will be reopened.

«The certainty we have is that the airport will open as soon as flights are released and the pandemic crisis will allow it. It is not about closure, but a certainty of opening as soon as people return to travel without particular restrictions. For our part, we then accepted the mayor’s requests, guaranteeing the investment of 54 million euros foreseen by the Master Plan, anticipating the construction of the footbridge in Noalese and carrying out the project of making the base of the Ryanair airport ”He declares instead. the president of the SAVE Group, Enrico Marchi.

On the other hand, the air traffic data is clear: the volume of passengers on the Venice stairs in August fell by -65.6% (national average -63.1%) and in September it worsened even more with a decrease of 73% compared to the same months of the previous year. In the current month of October the flights transferred from Treviso to Venice are in any case 9 per day, with an estimate of approximately 53 thousand passengers at the end of the month between round trips, a total that however will be further reduced compared to the mobility restrictions currently in force and determined by the obligation of a mattress for arriving passengers from England, Holland, Belgium, Northern Ireland, Czech Republic, as well as France and Spain. Ryanair and Wizzair have already announced new cuts between 20 and 30% in terms of capacity for the period November 2020 – March 2021.

“AerTre and SAVE are doing everything possible to support the traffic, in constant collaboration with the airlines – continues Marchi – There is no intention on the part of the companies to close the Treviso airport, the real problem is the continuation of the emergency, with the consequent dramatic repercussions on air traffic. The concerns of the related workers expressed in these sessions are more than understandable, as well as indicators of a common feeling about the importance of the airport’s activity that, despite the detractors so active in the normal period, brings work and employment to the ‘whole area served’. The companies have also expressed their concern and yours I regret another postponement of the Canova Master Plan to the VIA Commission by the Minister of the Environment. “An action that blocks investments for a total of 54 million euros, of which 9 refer to multiple mitigation and compensation interventions in favor of the territory. If the interventions foreseen in the Master Plan were unblocked, their implementation would be favored by this period of inactivity at the airport and the opening of new shipyards would bring benefits to employment ”, concludes Marchi. Below, in detail, the works planned in the Master Plan:

Mitigation: 4 million euros

  • renovation of house roofs
  • soundproof buildings
  • replacement box accessories
  • relocation and requalification of daycare

Compensation: 5 million euros

  • Footbridge over Noalese State Highway
  • Noalese State Accommodation with Dual Viability
  • construction of wooded areas

The thought of the Treviso Airport Committee:

“The fair of lies. These days we read articles that take up the understandable protests of those workers risking their jobs due to the airport closure. Local newspapers, like a single large, well-oiled megaphone, amplify the effect of sit-ins and thunderous statements by local politicians and administrators. Nobody remembers to emphasize that Canova is an activity that operates without compliance with the law, in fact in clear violation of the most elementary rules for the protection of health and territory!

Nobody ever raises the problem of the serious consequences that inevitably weigh on the thousands of neighbors near the airport complex, continually touched in their homes by takeoffs and landings, forced to suffer a deafening noise in their homes outside the limits of the law, to keep windows closed so as not to hear the roar of the plane and the stench, and to no longer be able to rest or enjoy the domestic tranquility with their relatives. Since its inception, the Committee has repeatedly reported problems, denounced criticisms and illegalities, clearly highlighting the incompatibility of Canova airport with the territory also at the European level. For more than 20 years, the Canova airport has avoided the real problems of the area considered and with serious superficiality and guilty presumption minimizes to the point of excluding the impact of the airport on the health of citizens. For more than 20 years, Canova has been managed independently, without respecting national and European laws, in the absence of an environmental compatibility assessment and a validated study on the risk to the health of the exposed population.

On several occasions the National EIA Commission, expressing a negative opinion on Environmental Compatibility, also indicated in the technical report numerous “prescriptions” to be put in place to comply with the laws. No Administration has verified or requested that the laws be applied and that the provisions of the Ministry be implemented and that the airport administrator has continued to operate, in fact it has increased its activity. Have Ulss 2 and the Department of Prevention ever wondered what impact a project like an airport can have on the health of residents? Has a “health risk assessment” ever been performed (required by institutional protocols), that is, a serious health risk assessment on the exposed population?

Always bearing in mind the obvious elements of risk, and which we have repeatedly pointed out and denounced, have the competent local authorities and workers’ unions been concerned about the conditions of objective danger to which airport residents and workers are exposed in case of a plane crash? On this front too, infractions and violations of the law are numerous and evident! If a construction site does not apply safety regulations, is it not correct for it to be closed and those responsible punished? What commercial or industrial activity can ignore the application of the required legal regulations? What public establishment can afford to violate hygiene or safety standards without incurring closures or penalties?

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What we are witnessing these days in Canova is a shameful campaign of misinformation and mystification of reality! A demagogic campaign to hide the responsibilities of politics! To the newspapers that inform and report what is happening, we give our availability to organize a public debate on these issues. Citizens have the right to know and newspapers have an ethical duty to do this. We have always been at the disposal of the truth and we work as volunteers for the good of all».
