Immune application: What happens if the notification arrives?


The discharge curve of Immune It has skyrocketed since the beginning of October, going from 6.6 to 7.4 million (activation data is not provided), and with it the doubts, questions and false myths that have characterized the entire path of the monitoring application of contacts launched by the government last April.

We have compiled the most common ones and let’s try to clarify them.

What really happens if I get the notification from Immuni?

This is the issue and also the most important deterrent. Who has downloaded and activated, or has yet to download and activate, Immuni demands clarity about what happens if the application issues the risk exposure notification. First of all: as the download, the reaction to the voluntary notice, because nobody knows that you have received it. The application request (based on the provisions of the circular of the Ministry of Health of May 29) of contact your GP and, pending indications from the doctor himself or the ASL, to stay at home for 14 days after the contact date communicated in the notification.
The first clear part: you have to make a phone call and meanwhile isolate yourself, from family and co-workers, not going to the office. The length of isolation can theoretically vary at the discretion of the doctor: even if you have no symptoms, most of the GPs we spoke with told us that they will ask you to remain in isolation at home for two weeks and contact your local health authority, also by what it says to circulate. In the two weeks of isolation at your home, therefore, you will not be able to work or have any type of contact, including relatives and relatives, because you have been in close contact with a positive in Sars-Cov-2. What happens after two weeks or during two weeks if symptoms appear? The ministry circular does not mention i tampons: therefore there is no direct access to the buffer for those who have received the notification from Immuni, the ASL to start the process in the most correct times and ways and inevitably based on availability that with the worsening of the emergency could vary, not only for Immune users but for everyone. If you have no symptoms, it goes back 14 days, because the smear will likely produce a false negative first.
The process is essentially the same as for manual tracking, which is triggered in the event that an unknown colleague, friend, classmate or fellow traveler in a train car tests positive. The difference, not insignificant, is that the person who discovers that he is at risk is not warned by someone who, by notifying him of the potentially dangerous contact, immediately explains what to do, but must make a decision for himself, although understandably shocked. that will force her to take time off from work and isolate herself without knowing when and if to take a swab. True, digital has this structural limit, but it guarantees precise monitoring, which the application administrator must guarantee, of encounters between strangers that we can no longer afford to ignore.

Does Immuni track my movements?

No, Immuni does not monitor or track our movements. Using Bluetooth, it is limited to registering the presence of smartphones around us sending and receiving causal codes. The data that is exchanged by smartphones (these) must not be traceable to the identity of individual persons and will be deleted or definitely anonymous before December 31, 2021. The previous deadline was set for December 2020 and was modified with the Decree of October 7, which also introduces dialogue with other European applications.

Is it Bluetooth’s fault if my smartphone runs out faster?

As we said, the technology chosen to notify risk contacts is not GPS but Bluetooth. And no, Bluetooth doesn’t affect battery life (we’ve covered it here). This technology designed to be low consumption, explains Claudio Ettore Casetti, professor at the Department of Automation and Informatics at Politecnico di Torino, the most recent standard, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE, the one used by the Immuni application, ed), is even more sparse. in consumption and each producer must comply with specific restrictions of energy consumption, 10 milliwatts (mW). A next-generation smartphone like the iPhone 11, for example, has a 3,110 mAh, 3.9-volt battery, equivalent to 12,129 mWh. Therefore, it takes 12,129 / 10 = 1,212.9 hours to drain the battery, that is, 50 days and 12 hours. The excessive consumption that we see in some cases, according to the teacher, could be due to a certain app, a poorly made operating system or an optimization not performed correctly but certainly not to Bluetooth. Similar cases have been reported over time but they are few, limited to a few manufacturers and have been fixed with a software update.

Why can’t I use Immuni on my smartphone?

Immuni is compatible only with Apple and Android smartphones sold as of 2015. And there is little to do here. The simple reason: the previous models, even if they work, are considered obsolete by device manufacturers, which are the same companies that built the system on which Immuni and contact tracking applications from other countries are based: Apple and Google . In the case of the iPhone, the phone must have the operating system iOS 13.5 or higher installed, that is, from the 6S model onwards. On the Android front a bit more complex. It starts from version 6.0 (Marshmallow), and the phone must have Bluetooth Low Energy and Google Play Services version 20.18.13 or higher on board. Older models are not enabled to receive apps, updates, and often just can’t access the app stores. In the iPhone world, 82 percent of Immuni-compatible devices, 90 percent in the Android world. Different speech for the Huawei and Honor brands. Given the call from the US, Immuni can only be used on phones released before May 16, 2019 (the day of the call), the only ones that can access the Google Play Store. The problem is that the age group most at risk is left out: the elderly, in possession of outdated models and perhaps inherited from children and grandchildren. In Singapore, the government has solved the problem by distributing small devices that perform the same function as an application. Another possible way would be to provide incentives for the scrapping of mobile phones that are not compatible with Immuni.

October 8, 2020 (change October 8, 2020 | 15:09)

