Today’s bulletin, October 8, reports a sharp increase in cases of positivity to the coronavirus, which in Italy grew by 4,458 in 24 hours. The day before it had been 3,678 and the trend has been underway for a few days. To find an increase similar to that of today, we must go back to the days of the closure and precisely to April 11, when Civil Protection warned that there were 4,614 new patients that day. however, it is probably the only similarity between the two calendar dates. Other numbers have already been recorded and especially the context that revolves around them seems different. Let’s see in detail
Deaths and intensive care compared
Today, October 8, swabs revealed 4,458 new coronavirus-affected swabs with 128,000 swabs processed, a double-digit increase compared to yesterday. The deceased were 22 (basically stable number) and 358 hospitalized in intensive care (21 more patients). This means a bed occupancy rate of around 4% nationwide, although with different situations from one region to another. Active cases are currently 65,952. On April 11, the 4,694 new patients (but only 56,000 tampons, as declared that day by the head of Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli) represented an increase of only 3.2%; At the end of March, Professor Silvio Brusaferro had declared that the contagion curve had reached the plateau, the maximum increase. And indeed in the following days there had been a significant drop. But that day, up to 619 patients had died and 3,381 patients were in resuscitation (even if for days there was a decrease in hospitalizations). We had just left behind the risk of saturation of the health system. Active cases were almost double compared to today, 100,269 to be precise.
The Pope in the deserted square
So far the numbers. But then there is the context. And somehow the contrast between yesterday and today is striking. On April 11, Italy was under a strict lockdown regime. Bars, restaurants, shops closed except for basic needs, the same for factories and offices, stadiums, cinemas and closed theaters, empty school classrooms with students forced to do distance education. Not only that, April 11 was Saturday, to be more precise Saturday of Holy Week: the front pages of all the newspapers in the world published that morning a distressing photo, Pope Francis in prayer in a completely deserted St. Peter’s Square, a symbolic image. Of a world forced to stay inside The topic of the day was aid to Europe: Conte and the other states were in disagreement, it was not known how many billions we could count to recover.
The closure behind
The confinement began to give way on May 3, today we can circulate freely with the sole prescription of the mask and social distancing; workplaces and schools have reopened and the stated goal is to never return to the paralysis of March and April at any cost. Italy, thanks to the agreement reached in Brussels, will have more than 200,000 million euros in non-reimbursable loans and transfers, debating the best way to invest them. Circulation in Europe is again subject to restrictions after the free all summer, the nightlife is again accused, the sport continues to trenches and the trench does not go through the closure of schools.
October 8, 2020 (change October 8, 2020 | 7:35 PM)