Coronavirus, in Campania the boom in infections is scary: hours in line for tests (still very few). Controversy over De Luca’s flash ban


In Campania tampon emergence and infected emergence go hand in hand. There are too many infected, too many are made little evidence, with an average of approx. 7000 per day (about half of the Lazio), which today reach 9925 but they register the registry of new cases in Italy: they are 757 in 24 hours. Yesterday, however, they were 544 new infections. The two things, that is, the shortage of tampons and the rise of infections, are almost certainly connected, since with the increase in tests the ratio between tests and positives also increases. Dr. explained Paolo spada, editor-in-chief of the Facebook page ‘Pills of Optism’: if the ratio between tested and positive people is as high as in Campania, something is beyond the control of positive contacts, the the virus circulates without being intercepted by the local health services, and it would be necessary to react by increasing the number of tests and prevention activities. What is not currently happening.

Also for this reason the governor Vincenzo De Luca asked Civil Protection “to make available as soon as possible Medical staff and voluntary nursing, already used by the Government and the Commissioner in the emergency of recent months, to implement control of the territories. In Campania, in short, the the worry grows. And consequently if stretch out of proportion the ranks of ordinary citizens to get a swab. There are those who wait up to eight hours, in line, in the rain, in front of the public laboratories of Whisk of Naples, ASL Napoli 1 structure at the forefront in the fight against coronavirus. There are those who arrive at dawn to get the best number. There are those who cannot handle it and return.

The race to do the test in a Naples scared by the increase in cases of COVID-19 it has its winners and its losers. Those who abandon the trip or are forced to wait at home for more than a week, lose. Win, so to speak, the private workshops. For which yesterday, after months of solicitations and pressure, the governor’s green light finally arrived. By Luca: they will be able to make swabs to citizens who request it, with a ‘suggested’ cost of 62 euros per test. Until now it was only allowed in the field of sports or occupational medicine. In practice, only companies that wanted to do one could turn to private laboratories employee evaluation, or football clubs with a large portfolio. In addition, individuals will work together with public health authorities to process a greater overall number of diagnoses and contact tracking.

But that of the private laboratories is a halfway victory because the opening of the Campania Region was accompanied by the usual ‘flash notice’ of Soresa (the company that centralizes public purchases), open and closed in 24 hours between Tuesday and Wednesday. “Enough of these carbon methods. People need to understand. We do not accept that they make fun of them ”, they declare with joint note. Gennaro Lamberti, President of Federlab Italia (among the main trade associations of clinical analysis laboratories and private health centers accredited with the NHS) and Pier Paolo Polizzi, president of Aspat, the territorially accredited private health association. “It is not possible that later the ‘flash’ warning Last April, which ended under the lens of the Judiciary, this type of trick was repeated again, indicating a new call for just 24 hours ”. “This thing – add the presidents of Federlab and Aspat – cannot happen in silence. A tender named like this, from evening to morning, represents a insult to intelligence. There are no tenders that open and close from late to night ”. “At Palazzo Santa Lucia – they insist – they must stop playing with fire. The urgency, which is not of today, cannot cloak of legality night bombing. Three or four days would have been more than enough to publicize this need, undoubtedly a more functional duration than the achievement of the objective. But this was not the case and someone, now, will have to account, if not to us, to the judicial”.

It is a contract 3 and a half million euros with the criterion of granting the lowest price. It goes towards a cost of approx. 30 euros per pad. “The same amount of evidence provided by an individual to the Zooprophylactic Institute of Portici after the ad ended up under investigation in April, ”Lamberti recalls to And it continues to be the same laboratory that has been supporting ASL Napoli 1 since September with a thousand tampons a day through a resolution signed directly by those responsible for the health company without going through Soresa ”. According to Lamberti, “private laboratories can increase the number of tests of about 10 thousand samples a day, but this must be accompanied by clear and transparent procedures that go beyond the sectarian elections in favor of the local potentates ”.

Therefore, we are still far from overcoming the chaos that is portrayed in front of the Whisk from Naples. Here the workshop opens at 9 am and a queue of cars is created that often also makes it difficult for employees to enter the structure of the Asl. In many cases these are people who, without having advised the GP as necessary, are not included regional IT platform and report directly to the district for examination. The ASL organization, for added precaution, even if this accentuates the discomfort, states that anyone should be cleaned, even those who are not on the platform. Provided you state that you have symptoms or having been in contact with people affected by the virus. The tail, registered in the last days of an increase in infections, is hardly discarded during the day. It is a solution adopted by the Campania Region since the first days of August for those who return from places of risk. But there was no fear these days due to the peak of infections.

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