There are 29 new positive cases of Coronavirus Covid-19 announced by ASL Latina and distributed in the Municipalities of Aprilia (6), Cisterna di Latina (3), Cori (1), Fondi (1), Latina (5), Pontinia ( 1), Sonnino (1) and Terracina (11).
The general panorama shows 1,529 cases; 26.58 prevalence; 670 recovered; 39 deceased; 820 positives of which 722 attended at home.
It should be remembered – announced the Local Health Authority – that, in relation to the epidemiological situation existing at the local level, permanent “Drive-in” stations have been activated in the municipalities of Aprilia and Priverno for the execution of the antigen or molecular test directed at detection of the SARS-COV2 coronavirus. In Aprilia it is active from 9 to 14 from Monday to Saturday at the Fiera (flower market) in Campoverde Km 46,600 (Latin direction) of the SS.148 Pontina; in Priverno it is active from 8:30 to 13:30 from Monday to Saturday at the Casa della Salute located in via Madonna delle Grazie “.
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