PALERMO– It is not easy, at this time, to have a profession that has to do with health as a dowry. And if the role is public, sleepless nights are almost guaranteed. This is because, in the legitimate dialectic of positions and criticisms, there is always a human aspect to consider.
Councilor Ruggero Razza, are you asleep?
“It is not many hours, because there is a lot of work to do. But I fall asleep peacefully. “
You are Sicily’s councilor for health in times of pandemic, not exactly a walk in the park. Regretful?
“Absolutely not”.
Let us put ourselves in the shoes of the Sicilian who looks at the bulletin of the Ministry of Health. Today, which will be yesterday for those who read, 213 new positives in Sicily. Is there a lot to worry about?
“We have to look reality in the face. When I read this number, I also thought that we must imagine it increasing and significantly, in the coming weeks, both regionally and nationally and we will leave no stone unturned to put ourselves even more in security, starting from surveillance with tampons, with serological tests with rapid tests. Clearly, the more you search, the more positive you find ”.
“And then there is also a great responsibility to communicate well and remember that those two hundred positives are accompanied by nine more patients. It does not mean underestimating anything, but looking at reality for what it is. “
In the event of a critical increase in hospitalizations, would Sicily be prepared?
“Yes, but let me explain the point. We must not avoid a medical closure as much as possible and that is why we have adopted an accordion mechanism, so that the beds dedicated to Covid follow the epidemiological trend and are available when necessary. We cannot send home patients with other illnesses. Covid will keep us company, unfortunately, for a while longer. It is not logical to block an entire health system for six months or a year. That said, Sicily has never suffered from a shortage of beds ”.
So what is the strategy?
Play with intelligence beforehand, focusing on territorial actions to combat the Coronavirus and avoiding as much as possible that it arrives, with infected patients, to hospitals ”.
What is your relationship with the Minister of Health, Speranza?
“Excellent, I think it is, among the Conte government ministers, the one that shows a more collaborative attitude with the regions. We don’t always think in the same way… ”.
For example?
“He is convinced that health must be centralized at the national level. I believe that the regional organization, with the opportune exceptions, is sometimes more widespread and better able to respond to needs. So, in this dialectic, there may be prejudices, I am not referring to the minister ”.
What prejudices?
“The typical one: if it goes bad it is the fault of the regions, if it goes well it is thanks to the State. But all the measures taken to date by the Italian regions have always been timely and anticipated. For us Sicilians, the prudence of President Musumeci was providential and capable of identifying the appropriate decisions. I’m thinking about the provision for outdoor masks, adopted in the first post-closing ordinance. At the time he was mocked, it is now a general indication. “
But are you worried, councilor?
“I cannot afford this luxury. I see that, even in Sicily, there have been many infections among the young, with low hospitalization. Today we have many forty in the neighborhood. But it is necessary to fear that the grandchildren could infect the grandparents with all the consequences of the case. To the boys I say: prudence. It does not mean being effective, quite the opposite. It means being responsible ”.
Are the boys superficial?
“Some obviously do. And parents too. If I had a daughter, I wouldn’t send her to a party without knowing how many people will attend and where it will take place. And I will give you two personal examples: recently I did not turn 40 and I did not go to see my mother, who was operated on in the hospital.
Flu shots. Pharmacies protest the low doses.
“Even in this case you have to communicate correctly. There is an international production problem. Not all Italians can get vaccinated. But I think that, in Sicily, the categories with vaccination recommendation and most of the others will be protected, also because we have bought 600 thousand more than last year. We are in the early stages, with the doses already in the Asp. The chain begins to move little by little, at the right moments ”.
What has the pandemic left them so far?
“A tangible sign. I have the whitest beard ”.