Cancer diagnoses are on the rise, but only among women. The 2020 statistics speak of a total of 377,000 people who have been diagnosed with the disease, but if men remain stable with 195,000 diagnosed diagnoses, even a thousand less than last year, the situation is different for women. The latter in 2019, were 175 thousand, now there has been a worrying leap forward of about 7 thousand patients, taking the counter to 182 thousand confirmed cases. This is what emerges from the report “Cancer figures in Italy 2020” presented today by the Higher Institute of Health.
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Specifically, the most common cancer in 2020 is breast cancer, with 54,976 diagnoses and a percentage of 14.6 of the total. They are followed by colorectal (43,702), lung (40,882) and prostate. Lung cancer diagnoses are increasing among women (+ 3.4% per year9), unfortunately related to smoking. After the bad news, a positive aspect: the survivors of a diagnosis of tuomore are on the increase, there are about 3.6 million, 37% more than ten years ago.
It is precisely this fact that opens hope in the fight against cancer, as confirmed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza: “The number of recovered serves to reaffirm the quality of our health service. Of course there is still much to do, but compared to ten years ago there are many more people who have the same life expectancy as the rest of the population.
Naturally, the pandemic and the explosion of the health emergency linked to Covid have complicated the management of patients in hospitals: “The period we are going through can become an opportunity for change that we must not miss. Today, although with difficulty – continues the man – we can say that public health is bearing the impact, but we must take advantage of the experience of the last few months, boldly initiating a process of reform and strengthening of medicine in the area.
Hence, in fact, according to the minister, there is also better management of those who suffer from other pathologies: “Effective responses will be given to the millions of cancer patients in the country, through appropriate therapies and services.”
For this reason, the minister continues: “We need to provide ourselves with a network of interconnected and multidisciplinary territorial services, with the aim of strengthening home care. The home should be the first place of care. Only in this way is it possible to specify the global care of the person in their health, social and relational and non-institutional needs. Families and associations must play an important role, with their ability to care. We must support the scientific community in the fight against cancer.
Our life is full of unknowns and dangers, each one of us risks every day working and simply living, we all forget that there are around 500 deaths per day from tumors that are often due to our lifestyle.
Do you want to live 100 years? Stay inside.
I live..– Manuel (@ ManuelTucci2) October 8, 2020
Last update: 12:45