“Common, even non-political candidates.” Elections, turn from center to right – Libero Quotidiano


Three-way summit Matteo salvini, Giorgia Meloni me Antonio Tajani: the new center-right takes shape. The goal, reads the joint note circulated by the leaders of League me Brothers from Italy and the number 2 of Go Italy, vicar of Silvio Berlusconi, consists of “identifying the best candidates for the next administrative elections in autumn.” “They did not speak of names, but of method – specify Salvini, Meloni and Tajani -: the territories will also be involved to find high-level candidates out of the world of politics. The best profiles will be taken to the national table that will decide on the regional and provincial capitals and on the presidencies of the municipalities of the big cities ”. Rome, the most important city where voting will take place in 2021.

We lost.  Giorgetti fears the worst: League surpassed by Meloni, the figure that overturns the balance of the center-right
