The decree recently approved by the Council of Ministers contains as the main novelty the obligation to wear masks and wear them outdoors in the presence of other people who do not live together. The obligation will also be included in the next dpcm. Meanwhile, the council of ministers has extended the validity of the dpcm that expired today until October 15.
The dpcm provides “the obligation to always carry respiratory protection devices, with the possibility of providing for the mandatory use in indoor places accessible to the public, including means of transport, and in all outdoor places when it is in the proximity of other non-cohabiting people, and in any case with the salvation of the anti-contagion protocols foreseen for specific economic, productive and social activities, as well as the guidelines for the consumption of food and beverages “.
“Those who are carrying out sports activities are excluded from these obligations; children under the age of six; subjects with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask, as well as those who are in the same incompatibility to interact with those mentioned “.
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