SarsCov2 continues to run in Campania: 544 new cases in 24 hours compared to 7,504 swabs, against 395 marked the day before with only 4,867 nasopharyngeal samples. The percentage of cases, compared to tampons, remains high: 7.2 percent versus 7.8 in the previous 24 hours, more than double the national figure, which in turn is increasing. About half of the new positives (230) are concentrated in Naples, but extending the range to the metropolitan area with the province leads to 432 cases. The national average is currently 104 positives for every 100,000 inhabitants in Naples we are well above 180. The province of Naples is today the one with the highest number of patients compared to the inhabitants of Italy and the number of new cases is growing faster. Data that are located in a national scenario in which we are witnessing a resurgence of infections that stem from the continuous unleashing of new outbreaks. The growth profile is very similar to that of other European countries but a month behind.
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In Naples, transmission prevails in parents’ homes caused by returns from travel and now fueled by the underestimation of prevention measures (isolation, distancing, use of masks and hygiene). More than 3,000 people in solitary confinement in the city. The imminent opening of a Covid resort in the hospital del mar hotel building with 150 seats is essential. Infections also spread with extrafamilial groups (Erasmus project in central areas). A large portion of positives cannot be well traced to the source and are just as difficult to trace. The cases of communities (gyms) and categories (armed forces, hospitals) are almost residual. The difficulties continue at Cardarelli: despite the very rigid filter at the entrance, there is a new case in Emergency Surgery (swabs remain) and a death in long-term care. At least two positive nurses. Outbreaks in the workplace are increasing on the north wall. On the southern front, an outbreak emerged in a retirement home in Portici: 41 positives among the elderly and 18 among employees. Some are hospitalized in Boscotrecase, others in isolation on the various floors. The civil defense sent Oss for help. Only in Boscotrecase was the death of GS 58, from Camposano, one of the 7 employees of the Municipality of Tufino affected by the virus, along with the mayor, registered in recent days. A letter sent from the Local Health Authority to the Region to use an RSA in Portici as a Covid resort, but the mayor is against it. A public call for tenders to identify hotels and quarantine facilities also expires today. Similar initiative in Naples 2 north.
Yesterday there were about thirty new positives and the Covid Hospital (ex intramoenia) of Moscati after having opened and welcomed 13 patients transferred from the department of infectious diseases of the other plexus has already taken in another 6 patients. When fully operational, 78 units are planned, but 52 are available. In the Oncology department headed by Cesare Gridelli, three positive patients were registered in four days among the negative patients in the admission test. At least three active foci in different areas of Irpinia. Many schools also closed. Since yesterday, in Atripalda, after being infected by a 13-year-old boy, I left classes for 14 days in an eighth grade class. There are no outbreaks in Sannio either, but the cases are increasing: currently 170 with 63 positives in the city of Benevento and 28 in Montesarchio. In general, they are asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic, with only ten hospitalized. The virus has appeared in various areas and also in schools.
There are three outbreaks in Salerno these days. The first in a gym in Baronissi but in the Irno valley there are 22 cases verified so far. For three days all schools in the city were also closed as a precaution. Two other groups refer to Nocera Inferiore (35 cases) and Scafati (68). The mayor Cristoforo Salvati has entrusted the virologist Giulio Tarro the direction of a technical table with general practitioners. The outbreak triggered in the Department of Medicine of the Nocera hospital with 7 positive patients (transferred to Scafati) plus another 5 among doctors, nurses and Oss is worrying. Also at the Ruggi di Salerno, last week, there were five positives among health workers, including the head of urology, an anesthetist, a resident and two nurses. The spread of infections in Terra di Lavoro is not a concern. Currently there are 800 active cases, about fifty hospitalized, about 5 in intensive care (0.5 percent). With these percentages, the periodic resignations and the availability of 50 places in the activated Covid resorts in Capua and Teano, the ASL is committed to stopping the new outbreaks.
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The terminal of everything is the hospital squares: 99 are available in intensive care compared to 52 occupied (but 12 days ago there were 27 and today we are at the levels of April 25). Active hospitalizations are instead 663 of which 521 are occupied (but 32 more hospitalizations in a single day). Despite one death, the fatality rate in Campania is still much lower than the Italian average. It should be noted that on Tuesday night up to three alerts were fired in Naples to search for a place in semi-intensive therapy, but only at night the Polyclinic responded, receiving an intubated elderly man (from Cardarelli) and a 40-year-old man of Cotugno in no ventilation. invasive for 4 residual sites available.
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