Rome, October 8, 2020 – Starting today mask is required also inopen, with some exceptions that we report in this article. the Covid decree with the standard on protection devices was published in Official bulletin and it immediately went into effect. Below is a short guide to clarify the last doubts: when to wear masks and when to do without them.
The government has passed a decree law that imposes the obligation to wear a mask even outdoors. me children under the age of six and subjects with diseases incompatible with the adoption of the device
The Minister of Education specified that the rules at school do not change: the mask It should be used when going to the bathroom or when moving around the classroom., while it can be removed once sitting at your desk
Social relationships
Therefore, the measures planned until now remain in force: physical spacing of at least one meter; assembly ban; compliance with hygiene measures starting with hand washing; Obligation to stay home if you have a fever over 37.5 degrees
In the office
For the distance rules e masks in offices, In factories and shops, the protocols and guidelines against contagion already provided continue to be applied. Therefore, social distancing must be guaranteed and it is not possible to enter the company with more than 37.5 fever.
In family
Prime Minister Conte made it clear that there is no obligation to wear a mask in homes. However, its use in the presence of fragile people
By car and by bike
Should be used if you are in a car with people who don’t live together. The same should be done when riding a motorcycle. If you are alone in the car it is not mandatory to put it. You don’t need to use it if you ride a bike.
Motor activity
In general, the use of a mask is not mandatory during sports activities.
Then, the decree requires you to wear the mask when you are outdoors. This should always be used, unless you are in an isolated location or with people living together.
The sanctions
Anyone who does not wear a mask even outdoors takes a risk Fine of 400 to 1000 euros. The sanctions are of the same entity as those provided in the previous provisions for most infractions of the anti-Covid regulations, such as the anti-assembly.
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